A Day

A Day

by Hayley Harrison

A day where things to go wrong from the start – sleep past my alarm, terrible traffic, no parking, a broken flip flop

A day that makes me want to spring into action, to purchase social justice picture books and plan out instructional units

A day that has me longing for the weekend that just passed – for Shakespeare in the park, a murder mystery party, and falling asleep in his arms.

A day that makes me want to research, to find books about alternate families, articles about same sex couples in nature, and more true stories to wow my students

A day that makes me excited for the week ahead – for more writing, more discussions, more phone calls, more good food, more pillow talk, more meetups, more cooking and baking, more walking in the evening air.

A day that makes me tired after little sleep and no caffeine, exhaustion from homework, and the draining weight of our work as teachers, the tiring path that lays ahead.

A day that makes me thankful that I am a teacher, thankful for the tiring work to be done – it’s important, essential even, a noble calling and a passion.

A day that makes me appreciate that there is no other work I’d rather be doing.

Hayley Harrison is an 8th grade teacher at Samuel B. Huey School. She joined PhilWP in 2013 attending the Invitational Summer Institute.