Time Passes

Time Passes

by Elaine Schneider

written for the 2012 Invitational ELL Summer Institute

He sits by the window

A mere shadow of himself

Looking out on a world

he is no longer a part of

children smile as they pass by.

He was once like them

Young and full of life

Not a care in the world

But now confined to a chair

a mere spectator of the world outside.

In his heart he is still young

But his bones tell him otherwise

His legs once strong and tough

Are now twisted like vines of ivy

entwined in a fence

supporting a man who

Cannot participate in life any longer.

He sits by the window



For the night watchman

to come and take him home

to be reunited with the generations

that have passed before him

waiting , waiting……

Elaine Schneider has been with the School District of Philadelphia since 1998 as an elementary grade teacher at Hopkinson Elementary School. Elaine attended the 2012 Invitational ELL Summer Institute sponsored by the Philadelphia Writing Project.

Elaine’s poem was about her father at the end of his life. Her father had been a great soccer player as a child and loved talking to the children in the neighborhood.