Editorial Board

Editorial Review Board

The purpose of the PhilWP Journal is to celebrate diverse voices in our community of reflective practitioners. The Editorial Review Board (ERB) will edit for copy, grammar, word choice, and accuracy. The ERB will not attempt to change the content, position, or perspective of the authors. As an inquiry community we value multiple frameworks and perspectives around the many issues, concerns, and accomplishments of our educators.


Tamara Anderson and Trey Smith

The editors will serve as the liaison between the reviewers and authors. The editors will work to ensure a cohesive product that reflects the theme of the journal and the efforts of the authors.

The editors also coordinate submissions and collect and organize pieces for peer review. Email submissions to philwpupdate@gmail.com.


Volunteers from the PhilWP teacher consultant community will serve on the ERB as reviewers. This group will review submissions through a collaborative process using Google docs. It is the responsibility of the reviewers to ensure that all manuscripts accepted for publication are technically correct, as well as reviewing each manuscript for quality, clarity, style, and relationship of the submission to the goals and objectives of each issue's theme.