Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes

by Yolanda Barcus

written for the 2012 Invitational ELL Summer Institute

Dear Ms. Nemark,

Thank you

For teaching me

A, B, C… and 1, 2, 3…

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You introduced me

To an idiom and

Not to take things so literally.

“LaBoy has ants in his pants”

Dear Ms. Paulker,

Thank you

For teaching me

How to write in cursive neatly.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You showed me

The material things

That I was not privy to see.

Blinding diamonds, dried fruit.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you

For teaching me

To use my athletic ability.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You trained me

On the rules of teamwork

And how important it could be.

Blue one-piece snap gym suit “YOLANDA”.

Dear Mrs. Norris,

Thank you

For teaching me

The basics of black history.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You let me

Speak my mind

And express my spirituality.

A preacher’s wife and all.

Dear Mr. Harris,

Thank you

For teaching me

In a class that was structured and orderly.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You showed me

That men could wear pink

And how to accept diversity.

Lacoste, pink with a little green alligator.

Dear Mr. Jones,

Thank you

For teaching me

Discipline (Although you didn’t have me).

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You demonstrated to me

How to command respect

with your lessons on authority.

A straight line or these yard sticks across your behind.

Dear Ms. Anderson,

Thank you

For teaching me

That a person without knowledge could never be free.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You modeled for me

Your natural, afro-centric style

And how to embrace my ethnicity.

Shoulder length twists and Kente clothe garb.

Dear Mr. Branch,

Thank you

For teaching me

Art and how to show my creativity.

And Although

I didn’t know it then,

You showed me

What the traits, qualities and swagg’a

In my husband, should be.

That “Obama sharp” style and “Young lady!”

Dear Mom,

Thank you

For letting me be.

MG tested, passed,

Stamped and labeled.

Get on the bus

And out the neighborhood you go.

Thank you mom,

For saying, “No!”

Sincerely yours,

Yolanda Barcus

Bio: Yolanda Barcus is a teacher a Disston Elementary School