I Teach

I Teach

Written in 2008 and included in the PhilWP Invitational Summer Institute I archives

by Michael Amodei

Some people work nine to five

Never talk to anybody

Leave work at work

Never try anything new

Have to make and fetch coffee

I teach

Some people hate their jobs

Get new ones

Every other year

Never get any new challenges

Can’t wait until the weekend

Sort and deliver mail

I teach

Some people are able to stay up past 9:30 on Friday night

Party all weekend

Hate Mondays

Never bring work home

Get called into the office on Saturday

I teach

Some people are jealous of summers off

Can go on vacations any time of the year

Have to work some holidays

Have to work overtime

Spend their days staring at a computer and answering emails

I teach

Some people never make a difference

Don’t have to worry about whether anyone listens to them

Don’t have to engage everyone

Don’t have to mark papers

Don’t have to make people do things that they don’t enjoy

I teach

I get to see the satisfaction when they get it

I get to form relationships you wouldn’t trade for anything

I get to work as a team

I get to show children that they really can

I get to start over every September

I teach

Michael Amodei joined the Philadelphia Writing Project in 2008 as a teacher consultant. Michael’s piece was originally written in 2008 and was included in PhilWP Summer Institute I archives.