
Lutheran/SBC-Sacraments-Ordinances of Christ

<Salvation Lutheranism/SBC TOC Next-Holy Baptism/Believer's Baptism>


The Sacraments

· The sacraments are God’s means of grace through which God comes to sinful through His Word and the elements man to forgive sins.

In Lutheranism there are certainly 2 sometimes 3 sacraments; Holy Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Holy Absolution.


The ordinances of Christ

· Baptist’s believe that the Holy Spirit does not use means to come to the soul. The Holy Spirit enters the hearts of people immediately, that is without means. (How then does one know it is the Holy Spirit?)

· Baptists do not refer to the Lord’s Supper and Baptism as sacraments or means of grace. They are ordinances. Ordinances are terms of the law, not the gospel

· Baptism and the Lord’s supper are mere signs, completely symbolic in purpose.

· Christ instituted each that the believe might prove the genuineness of his faith before men.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 908 W. Main Middleville, MI 49333 +269-795-2391+