
Lutheran/SBC-Holy Baptism/Believer's Baptism

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Holy Baptism

· Instituted by Christ

· Forgives sins, unites with Christ’s death and resurrection, clothes person with Christ, regenerates person, gives the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38-40; Galatians 3:27-29; Titus 3:5)

· God baptizes person. God comes to the sinner.

· Infants are to be baptized with water and God's Word for this is the only way God has ordained to communicate His salvation to them and to apply the benefits of the cross to babies.

· Baptism is necessary for Salvation (John 3:5; Mark 16:16)

· There is only one baptism therefore Christians are to be baptized only once.

Baptism brings certainty of salvation to the heart of the believer because God is doing the work.


Believer's Baptism

· Baptism is a symbolic act of obedience which symbolizes the believer, through Christ, is now in vital connection the Father, and that he has accepted Christ’s commandments as the rule of his life.

· Because baptism is completely symbolic, immersion is the only mode of baptism.

· Profession of faith must be made prior to baptism.

· Because infants cannot profess faith, and because no parent may impose their religion upon the freedom of another soul, infants cannot be baptized. Infants must be raised to choose for themselves.

· Infants are not see as having a need for baptism.

· Baptists will rebaptize for several reasons. 1) lack of true faith during first or second baptism. 2) baptized as an infant. 3) Received a non-immersion baptism. 4) Some congregation require rebaptism because person came from another congregation.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 908 W. Main Middleville, MI 49333 +269-795-2391+