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· Lutheranism grew out of the Roman Catholic tradition. It’s roots run through the history of the Church to the Apostle’s.

· Martin Luther’s opposition to the false teachings of Rome led to the posting of the 95 Theses in 1517, his excommunication from the Roman church in 1520, and ultimately the Book of Concord in 1580 as a summary of true catholic teaching.

· Martin Stephan, a Lutheran bishop led a group of Saxons from Germany to Perry County Missouri. After a fallout with Bishop Stephan (sexual immorality charges) C.F.W. Walther became the first President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 1848.

Today there are 2.6 million Missouri Synod Lutherans.



· Modern Baptist churches arose from the congregational churches in England early in the 17th century. They separated from a separatist denomination.

· In 1644 seven London Baptist Churches drew up what is called the London Confession which confessed their beliefs. This is usually the date given for the birth of the Baptist Church.

· Many Baptist churches were originally formed in the Rhode Island in the early 17th century.

· Baptist churches, though originating in Northern America struggled in the North. They experienced a much greater expansion in the South during the last third of the 18th century.

Today there are approximately 16 million Southern Baptists which constitutes the largest and most conservative of the Baptist denominations.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 908 W. Main Middleville, MI 49333 +269-795-2391+