
Cecilia Sharp Barker Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. Cecilia Sharp Barker, 69, well known Relief Society worker and early Salt Lake school teacher will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Eighteenth ward chapel. Mrs. Barker, who was the widow of Frederick Ellis Barker, died Friday at 3:45 p.m. at the family residence, 145 Fourth Avenue, after a short illness resulting in angina, pectoris. Mrs. Barker was born in Salt Lake, Sept. 21, 1863, the daughter of Joseph and Margaret Condie

Sharp. Both parents joined the Church in Scotland, their families being among the first converts in that country, and both being pioneers of the early fifties.

President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Bishop June B. Sharp of the Thirty-first ward; and Bishop Thomas A. Clawson of the Eighteenth ward will be the speakers. Virginia Free Barker, soprano, will sing ''Going Home," and musical numbers will be, given also by the Eighteenth ward mixed quartet.

As a young woman, Mrs. Barker was active in Church work in the Twentieth ward. She was an early member of the Twentieth Ward Institute, a forerunner of the Mutual Improvement Association.

She attended the University of Deseret. afterward teaching the Twelfth ward school. She also at one time set type for The Deseret News before the linotype machine was known, and was an early Church shorthand reporter.

She was married to Mr. Barker on June 26, 1889, in the Logan temple, six children being born to them. As a mother, Mrs. Barker was active in Church organizations particularly in genealogical work and the Relief Society. She was secretary of the Ensign Stake Relief Society for 12 years, and at the time of her death was an officer in the Eighteenth ward Unit.

Surviving are the following children: Fred G., Lucile, Alma S. and Clarence S. Barker, all of Salt Lake. Nine grandchildren also survive, as well as her brother, Joseph C. Sharp, former sheriff of Salt Lake county, and two half-sisters, Mrs. Mary J. Daynes (Mrs. Joseph J. Daynes, Sr.,) of Long Beach, Cal., and Mrs. E. A. Lenroot of Salt Lake.|

Friends may call at the residence on Sunday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bishop Thomas A. Clawson will be in charge of the services. Interment will be in City cemetery.

Transcribed by Ruth H. Barker

Uploaded by Emily Barker Farrer, 2010