
Yoldie Laume

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:15 pm

HUGS and hihi,

Well, I think I am handling this all better now, selfish me. I still miss her so. Chris, email me your addy again, I have got that CD of Dawn's stuff almost done for you. Been a bit hard. I have lost your physical addy, sorry.

hugs to you all -


Chris Ziegler

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:30 pm

Hey it's Chris here...

home addy is:

1328 48th Street

Sacramento, CA 95819

I still miss her so too - I am hoping to see her soon. As Sue Bennett says, "this just sucks". My parnter laughs at me and hugs me when I stand in front of the fridge, looking at a picture of me and Dawn and just sigh out, "oh well..." It's the understatement of the century.

I'll be glad to see the CD. You are so sweet and thoughtful to take the time to do it.

hugs and best best wishes!


Yoldie Laume

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:41 am

HUGS and hihi,

Elaine and Chris - thank you SO much for your time this past weekend. Meant a lot to me. Your hearts and souls are as big and as dear as Dawn's. I know the guys appreciated it, too. Wish I could have visited CA a year ago, sigh.

Hugs - Barb/Yoldie