

You don't know what you don't know...

The party has heard the following rumors:

  1. In the depths below the castle, there is a place, a "neutral ground," where you can conduct business with the denizens of the Underdeep.
  2. Lady Chauntessa has a strange interest in Castle Whiterock and often sends explorers to the ruins. CONFIRMED - Lady Chauntessa has asked the party to bring back documents they find in the ruins.
  3. An ancient order of monks maintained a monastery on the site where Castle Whiterock now stands. CONFIRMED
  4. A traveling potion salesman can be found most nights at the Inn of the Slumbering Drake.
  5. The symbol of a pewter swan is used by the Darmshall Thieves' Guild. FALSE - The symbol is used by the local Harpers.
  6. Spellcasters cannot summon any creature near Castle Whiterock or the mountain upon which it lies.
  7. Darmshall was established on the ruins of an ancient gnomish city named Stoneham. Numerous gnomish catacombs riddle the sewer system, infested by gnomish wererats who secretly rule the city.
  8. The reason there are so many bizzare creatures near Castle Whiterock is because someone named "Ghorrene the Black Eagle" conducted fouls experiments there, and the beasts are still breeding.
  9. "I'm telling ya, those goblins from the Galena Mountains are on the move! I've caught them on my property twice in the last month!"
  10. "You best not pay attention to the drunken ramblings of Arien. For a few coins he'll spin fanciful yarns about being captured by slavers." FALSE - The party determined that Arien was captured by slavers posing as monks at the gates to Castle Whiterock.

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