Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands Campaign

What adventure awaits in the Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands for a group of brave heroes?

The Bloodstone Lands refers to the region between the Great Glacier and Impiltur, particularly the two former states of Vaasa and Damara, now reunited as The Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands. The whole area encompasses roughly 150,000 square miles in a roughly triangular shape, using the southern line of the Great Glacier as its northernmost boundary. To the west, beyond the Earthspur Mountains, are the wicked land of Thar, the Moonsea, and the independent citystate of Mulmaster. To the south is Impiltur and beyond that, the Sea of Fallen Stars. To the east looms Narfell and the Great Dale.


Note: Starting with The Crows campaign (and for all future campaigns), we have migrated off of Google Sites and all information is now stored on my campaign Wiki (note this is a private Wiki and you'll need to contact me for access). I am no longer maintaining these pages. I'll leave this material up here for historical purposes, but over time it will become more and more stale, and it won't reflect any retconning that takes place.

(C) 2008-2017 Curtis M. Sawyer, All Rights Reserved