Campaign Personalities

The Party

Son of Baronet Joaquim Wildhurst - (Fighter; Lawful Good ) - Raised as the only child of a minor noble of agricultural lands containing some small villages in the Duchy of Carmathan (which is currently ruled by High Lord Varlad Dashard the 16th, who recently recovered his birthright and took control of the Duchy). Mother died in childbirth - no brothers/sisters. Raised to rule from an early age, he is confident, poised, and a born leader. He does sometime rely too much on the council of the best friend, rather than going with his instinct. Luckily, the best friend is usually correct. Cares deeply for the commoners, and is generally loved by all in return. Has a hero complex, and is prone to sacrifice himself for the party and/or common subjects. Very respectful of his father. (Brian)

The Best Friend - (Wizard / Sorcerer; Neutral Good) - Grew up with the Baronet's son from an early age. Sometimes talked down to by the son, but puts up with the occasional arrogant attitude/comment. Knows that her word carries a lot of weight with the son, but doesn't abuse that trust and luckily is usually correct. Very intelligent and wise beyond her years, but socially awkward with very poor diplomatic skills. Looked down on by everyone else in the party, and even viewed with suspicion by some because of the closeness with the son (it must be the magic!). Raised by a foster family, blood parents are an unknown. (Denise)

The Slighted Cousin - (Rogue; Chaotic Good) - Father (Markus) was the Baronet before Joaquim Wildhurst but he died under mysterious circumstances and the mother vanished around the same time. Her parents were viewed as adequate rulers, but not universally loved the way Joaquim and his son are. Thinks she should be made Baronet in place of Joaquim (despite her young age), and is somewhat resentful of the son. Biding her time, until the inevitable replacement of Joaquim with herself as Baronet. Thinks the best friend is a flake and not helpful in the least. The Cousin constantly second-guesses the son and reluctantly follows his guidance. This is a rogue who really will sneak off and take things without sharing with the party, although if the chips are down will become a team player--at least long enough to make sure everyone survives. (Xandree)

The Bodyguard - (Cleric/Druid/Monk; Lawful Neutral) - Older,wiser member of the court who was asked personally by Joaquim to travel with and keep an eye on the son to ensure he comes to no harm. Views protection of son as primary mission, and doesn't care that much for any of the other companions. Will act on own initiative and what she thinks is best to protect son, regardless of what is agreed to by the group or the effect on other party members. Will usually not offer up an opinion unless it obviously puts the son in danger. Viewed with suspicion by the rest of the party as a "spy" from Daddy. (Cheryl)

The Hanger-On - (Any; Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral) - Friend of Son and Best Friend from an early age, but always played second fiddle to "The Best Friend". Feels he has more to offer as a "number two" and secretly wishes to replace The Best Friend one day, but by actions and not subterfuge. As a result, this person is rash and quick to action, and is always trying to impress the others through somewhat risky behavior. (NPC)

Key Personalities

Baronet Joaquim Wildhurst - (Fighter; Lawful Good) - Personally appointed by High Lord Varlad Dashard the 16th when his brother (the previous Baronet) Markus Wildhurst died 6 years ago. In that time the peasants have prospered, and many have become yeomen. He has ruled wisely and well, and is much loved by his subjects. He has a single child, a son, who is the heir apparent to his title upon his death. His wife died when his son was only a year old, and his older brother Markus died many years ago.

Baronet Markus Wildhurst (Deceased) - (Fighter; Lawful Neutral) - Markus fell ill and died around the same time High Lord Varlad Dashard (with the backing of the King) rightfully seized control of the Duchy from an impostor placed in power during the rise of the Witch King. Markus was an adequate ruler, but he sent many of his subjects off to fight during The Bloodstone Wars under Dashard Devlin, and as many were killed his subjects never forgot that they were sent to fight on the losing side.