Campaign Timeline

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it...especially when the DM's stack of modules is short!

(Dates are in Cormyr-Reckoning)

1322 – Witch King arrives in Vassa and invades Damara, Wolf Winter.

1328 – The Year of the Arch. The adventuring party Damage Inc. initially formed in Daggerford, near Waterdeep.

1329 – The Year of the Bow. Damage Inc. relocates to Cormyr. Niteshade joins the group at this time, and the party formally registers as an adventuring company.

1330 – The Year of the Harp. Damage Inc. capture Draskilion’s Keep.

1331 – The Year of the Worm. Damage Inc. wages war against the Giants.

1332 – The Year of the Prince. King Virdin of Damara is killed. Most of Damage, Inc. semi-retires to the Keep to train and tutor, which provides a steady income for the next few years. The Knights of Mistmore first form as Adventuring Party #313 in Arabel, Cormyr. The Knights meet on the road, and are soon embroiled in a mystery where a mage in Arabel is creating puppets to steal for her. They succeed in stopping her, and as a reward are given her tower. They are issued a charter as “Adventuring Party #313”, and the following year adopt the name Knights of Mistmore. They also enlist in The Watch, the police force of Arabel. Also in this year, as a mission for The Watch, they solve the mystery of the fate of a wizard. Later, in the service of The Watch, they are teleported away to help The Downs with a curse, which leads them to meet The Forest Oracle. On Elient 20, they rescue Sarah Belfast the wife of Henry Belfast (a member of The Watch) and daughter of Cwell Belfast, kidnapped and being held in a cave where the kidnappers were the least of the problems encountered, as it happened to be a resting place for some powerful undead! Sarah and Cwell also happened to be members of the Harpers, and as a result of her successful rescue, invite Lilijana to join the Harpers (she accepts). Eriam also accepts a membership in the Thief’s Guild of Arabel this year. Later that year, they visit Sarp Redbeard, Lord of Wheloon, to help him with a Lizardman problem, and eventually defeat Sakatha the Lizard King. This earns them the notice of the Zhentarim, who was using Sakatha to disrupt trade.

1333 – The Year of Shadows. The Knights meet the Lady of the Mists. They are then ambushed, and meet Stone of Damage Inc. This begins cooperation between the Knights and Damage Inc. The Knights become aware of cooperation between Zhentil Keep and some hill giants in the area. They also solve the mystery of the Lady of Mistmore, and enter into service for the Viceroy of Mistmore, which is how they adopt their name. They spend the rest of this year in war against giants, effectively stopping the plans of Zhentil Keep. This success sets back Zhentil Keep’s main operation by 5 years, and they never fully recover prior to the Banedeath.

1334 – The Year of the Serpent. The Knights of Mistmore disband, with some members joining Damage Inc.

1338 – The Year of the Wyvern. From Eleint 2 until Uktar 29, Damage Inc. solves the mystery of Dragon Mountain and defeats the Dragon. The extremely powerful Amulet of the Dragon, a key to Dragon Mountain, is acquired at this time.

1339 – The Year of the Wave. From Tarsakh 12 through Mirtul 30, Damage Inc. invades the home of a chaotic mage, whose magical attempts to preserve his life had been leaking out into the surrounding countryside. His death ended such effects. His main henchman, however, escaped. While in the catacombs beneath his home, they discover an ancient tomb, later discovered to belong to a powerful Mud-sorcerer whose cult had been driven underground. Later, while in Arabel, they accept a mission to retrieve some items from Castle Spulzeer near Proskur (Kythorn 8 – Eleasias 7). Later, Misery is chastised by Vanderghast for failing to register his sigil, and as punishment, is forced to travel to the city of Vaals on an errand. This leads Damage Inc. to accept a position in defense of the Barony of Bloodstone. A war against the Grandfather of Assassins follows, and he is killed. His primary mage escapes unharmed.

1340 – Bull "Bunky" marries Christine Tranth and becomes Baron of Bloodstone

1341 – The Year of the Staff. Damage Inc. returns to the Tomb of Horrors. Having left Lilyana behind while teleporting their Keep to the Bloodstone Lands, Damage Inc. goes in search of her. Finding her, they then become embroiled in a mystery of a mist that seems to bring undead activity with it. This leads them to return to the Tomb of Horrors, where they discover that the tomb is but the first of three steps to Azerack’s final resting place. A long-standing member of the part, a dwarf named Felix, is killed during this mission.

1342 - Beren Seagull forms an adventuring party in The Dalelands (referred to as the Dalelands Crew) to rid his ancestral home of an infestation of evil creatures. The group is successful and Beren moves into his home. The group has a couple of additional adventures, including some fringe contact with The Cult of the Dragon, and then the group disbands.

1345 – Sensing that a war is imminent, the Iron Throne begins operations in Damara, and selects a merchant from Heliogabalus to help them penetrate the market; that person is Simon’s father (of the adventuring party Simon's Friends). Simon is sent away to boarding school.

1346 - Bloodstone wars begin in Damara and Vassa. The adventuring party Dragon's Demise is formed (they are also reluctantly known as Broden's Band).

1347 – The Year of Wild Magic. The Stone of Corbinet is stolen and then returned by the adventuring party Dragon's Demise (they are subsequently never heard from again). Damage, Inc destroys the wand of Orcus, and with it much of Orcus’power, causing the destruction of the Witch King. The Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands is formed. Simon’s father, backing the losing side, incurs huge debts at this time as he is responsible for the failure of the majority of the Iron Throne’s interests in Bloodstone. Only the operation in Steppenhall survives. Simon’s mother, appalled that her husband was backing the Witch King, leaves him.

1350 – Capitol of the Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands is moved back to Heliogabalus. Simon’s mother flees to Hommlet to avoid the Iron Throne’s insistence that she work off her husband’s debt.

1351 - Simon leaves school and joins the Army of Bloodstone, where he and the people in his squad form the adventuring party Simon's Friends.

1352 - Simon's mother dies and he begins paying off his father's debts. The Warriors of Whiterock forms in Vassa, comprised of a party unexpectedly transported there and some members picked up along the way. They work to clear out the ancient stronghold Castle Whiterock and defeat the Red Dragon in the lowermost levels.

1353 - Simon's Friends disbands, after successfully defeating the Temple of Elemental Evil. The adventuring party The Alternate Ones forms in Daggerford and investigates a plot to bring about an "Age of Worms". The party is successful in retrieving two powerful magic items which the wizard Malchor Harpell of Longsaddle uses to stop the plot. The Alternate Ones subsequently disbands. After defeating the Red Dragon in Castle Whiterock, the Warriors of Whiterock retire there, spending their remaining days clearing out and repairing the castle, aided by the Northern Harpers (who are given space in the fortress for their assistance).

1354 - The adventuring party known as Band of the Hand forms to search for a cure for an affliction affecting Felix Einen's father. The party is unsuccessful, Felix's father dies, and the adventuring party goes missing.

1357 - Radagast's Band formed to escort Radagast, a former member of the Circle of Magi, to his home.

1359 - Radagast's Band defeats Snakeblood, the Circle of Magi disbands with the good-aligned members becoming Elder Druids under Radagast, and the rightful heir of the Duchy of Carmatheon is restored to power.

1360 - The beginning of The Prophecy campaign.

(c) 2013 - Curtis M. Sawyer, All Rights Reserved