The Prophecy

"...and before the darkness a noble heir and companions righteous shall bring forth the light..."

Sometimes great storms announce themselves with the passing of a simple breeze...likewise in some minor agricultural lands in the Duchy of Carmathan a great darkness is heralded by a simple prophecy regarding a noble heir. Can the party discern the true import and take action before it is too late? Only time will tell...

This campaign takes place in The Bloodstone Lands, which refers to the region between the Great Glacier and Impiltur, particularly the two former states of Vaasa and Damara, now reunited as The Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands. The whole area encompasses roughly 150,000 square miles in a roughly triangular shape, using the southern line of the Great Glacier as its northernmost boundary. To the west, beyond the Earthspur Mountains, are the wicked land of Thar, the Moonsea, and the independent citystate of Mulmaster. To the south is Impiltur and beyond that, the Sea of Fallen Stars. To the east looms Narfell and the Great Dale.

(C) 2012 by Curtis M. Sawyer

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