Damage, Inc

Most members of Damage, Inc. were originally from Damara. They all independently found their way to Daggerford, where they joined the militia. They later moved to Cormyr and settled in Arabel. They were later sent to Valls in the old Kingdom of Damara on a mission for Vangerdagast, the Royal Wizard of Coymyr. Prior to leaving for Damara, the group had extensive interactions with The Knights of Mistmore, another Cormyrean adventuring party. The marriage of Niteshade (from Damage, Inc) and Lilijana (one of the Knights) cemented the merger of the two adventuring groups.

A brief history of the group follows. Dates are in Cormyr-Reckoning (CR).

1328 – The Year of the Arch. Damage Inc. formed in Daggerford, near Waterdeep.

1329– The Year of the Bow. Damage Inc. relocates to Cormyr. Niteshade joins the group at this time, and the party formally registers as an adventuring company.

1330 – The Year of the Harp. Damage Inc. capture Draskilion’s Keep.

1331 – The Year of the Worm. Damage Inc. wages war against the Giants.

1332 – The Year of the Prince. Most of the group semi-retires to the Keep to train and tutor, which provides a steady income for the next few years.

1338 – The Year of the Wyvern. From Eleint 2 until Uktar 29, Damage Inc. solves the mystery of Dragon Mountain and defeats the Dragon. The extremely powerful Amulet of the Dragon, a key to Dragon Mountain, is acquired at this time.

1339 – The Year of the Wave. From Tarsakh 12 through Mirtul 30, Damage Inc. invades the home of a chaotic mage, whose magical attempts to preserve his life had been leaking out into the surrounding countryside. His death ended such effects. His main henchman, however, escaped. While in the catacombs beneath his home, they discover an ancient tomb, later discovered to belong to a powerful Mud-sorcerer whose cult had been driven underground. Later, while in Arabel, they accept a mission to retrieve some items from Castle Spulzeer near Proskur (Kythorn 8 – Eleasias 7). Later, Misery is chastised by Vanderghast for failing to register his sigil, and as punishment, is forced to travel to the city of Vaals on an errand. This leads Damage Inc. to accept a position in defense of the Barony of Bloodstone. A war against the Grandfather of Assassins follows, and he is killed. His primary mage escapes unharmed.

1341 – The Year of the Staff. Damage Inc. returns to the Tomb of Horrors. Having left Lilyana behind while teleporting their Keep to the Bloodstone Lands, Damage Inc. goes in search of her. Finding her, they then become embroiled in a mystery of a mist that seems to bring undead activity with it. This leads them to return to the Tomb of Horrors, where they discover that the tomb is but the first of three steps to Azerack’s final resting place. Felix is killed during this mission.

1347 – The Year of Wild Magic. The Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands is formed. Damage Inc. destroys the wand of Orcus, and with it much of Orcus’ power. They return to the Kingdom of the Bloodstone Lands and maintain relatively peaceful rule for the remainder of their days.


(C) 2015 Curtis M. Sawyer, All Rights Reserved