
Castle History

To know where you are going, you must first understand where you've been...

As told to the party by Lady Chauntessa:

Castle Whiterock has a history that spans more than 1,000 years. The original site was settled by a group of Monks called the Order of the Dawning Sun back when this land was still a glacier. After the glacier began receeding, Orcs routed the monks and in turn were routed by gnomes. The gnomes were later defeated by an alliance of giants and orcs. Around 650 years ago an adventuring party know as the Order of the Black Osprey took over Castle Whiterock and ruled it in relative peace for one hundred years. But they soon passed as well, and the King of Vassa claimed the Castle as his capitol, but that barely lasted 150 years. Dwarves held it for a while, until the Red Dragon Benthosruthsa took it for his base and frequetly razed Darmshall for fun and profit. Around 90 years ago the people of Vassa realized the dragon hadn't been seen for a hundred years and so the town prospered again. The ruins were untouched except for the brave or the foolhardy, and then the Witch King came and this town was the last hold-out against his forces in all of Vassa. Refugees began flowing into the town, too many for the system to accomodate. After the Witch King's defeat in the Bloodstone Wars King Bunky declared Vassa to be a Duchy under his command and he placed High Lady Katia Dorritt here as Duchess. Noble and common refugees continued to flood our town, fleeing the new King or the old King's rag-tag forces, or some other perceived danger. Darmshall is far enough from Heilogabalus to be a sanctuary away from the Kingdom proper, yet civilized enough for high living.

(C) 2008 Curtis M. Sawyer, All Rights Reserved