Broden's Band aka Dragon's Demise


Dragon’s Demise (also sometimes called “Broden’s Band” after their reluctant patron, Sir Broden) was an adventuring party operating out of Goliad, who caused the severing of the prime material plane from all other planes when they were tricked into taking the apocalypse stone from its rightful place. They restored the stone, but were forced to remain in Castle Pescheour as guardians of the stone, forever trapped in the castle where it is hidden. Only Daria Dorritt was spared, as she left the group to marry Dormythyrr Brandebury shortly before their final, ill-fated adventure began. The members were:

· Magnus Shieldsplitter, male dwarf Ftr10/Clr9

· Dart Troublefinder, male stoutheart Halfling, Rog19

· Soulcatcher, male half-elf, Crusader2/Wiz17

· Finder, male half-elf, Ftr9/Rog10

· Jarrod, male half-elf, Rgr19

· Noam, male grey elf, Ftr9/Wiz10

· Lyryn, female grey elf, Wiz15 (rescued earlier from giants, but killed in the final battle)

· Phinneas, male human, Pal15 (chose to die and become an avatar of Tyr rather than be a prisoner for life).


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