Daleland's Crew

After the group that was playing as the Knights of Mistmore moved away, a few years passed before I started up a new campaign. The Daleland's Crew was the attempt to re-start playing D&D after a three-year break. It was not very successful, and the group disbanded after 2-3 games. The main character around whom this adventuring party formed was Beren Seagull.

Beren Seagull was born in Harrowdale Town, the capital of Harrowdale in the Dalelands, on Deepwinter 8th, 1351(DR). His parents, Raywes and Sirena Seagull, were the Captain and First Mate on the trading ship The Sea Hag. Ever since he could remember, Beren was either on the ship with his parents or staying in The Anchorage while the ship was in port. Naturally, Beren got very good at Navigation, Rope Use, Fishing, Swimming, and general Seamanship having spent most of his life in, on, or beside water.

When Beren was 13, his parents had a very dangerous (and possibly illegal) cargo to transport quickly out of Harrowdale. Partially from concern for Beren, and partially from not being able to locate him quickly enough, his parents took their first journey without him. He was left in the care of his uncle, Marcus Seagull. Marcus was an Illusionist, and from him Beren began to become enthralled with magic. As the days went by, Beren's parents did not return. After a year of waiting, Uncle Marcus needed to move on for further adventuring. He left Beren with his old instructor, Topaz of Scardale, when Beren was 14. Beren studied under Topaz for two years, until Topaz passed away from old age. Not daring to disturb the powerful magics and glyphs on the old Evoker's magic stores, Beren copied what spells he could from the old man's spell books and, hearing that his Uncle had returned to Harrowdale with a small fortune, assembled a small group of traveling companions and returned home, arriving on the third day of the month of the Sunsets, 1367(DR).

Beren's Daleland's Crew conisted of Thoryn and Hal, members of the Purple Dragons stationed in Cormyr, and one “free-sword,” named Mobius Bell.

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Beren is about 5 feet 10 inches tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. He also has a very closely clipped (currently sparse) beard and mustache. Both as a sailor and as an Evoker, Beren is used to wearing bright colors. He cares very much about doing the good and decent thing, but sometimes uses poorly chosen methods to reach his goals. He does tend to be cautious and think things out, but the action he finally arrives at may seem un-thought out. He is independent, but loyal to friends and family, and a good follower (most of the time). He prefers to sit quietly while others ponder decisions and finally jump in when the options have been narrowed to two or three.

Beren cares very much for his uncle and credits him for his chosen career choice as an Evoker. He also cares very much for his parents and plans to eventually look for them. He does not hold a grudge against them for leaving him. Due to his uncle he is a devout follower of Mystra and goes to the nearest temple on all holy days. He speaks elfish because of Harrowdale's proximity to Cormanthor.


(C) 2015 Curtis M. Sawyer, All Rights Reserved