Ying Ying JIANG

Business and Management

- Past, Present, and Future -

概要(Course Description)

To understand the present, we have to learn from the past. Today, the Japanese economy is facing many challenges such as the digital transformation, SDGs, demographic change. All these challenges create business opportunities. To exploit these opportunities requires entrepreneurship, innovative business models and new methods of management. Studying the evolution of modern business and management helps us to better understand how entrepreneurs have been able to offer solutions to the pressing problems of their societies and how this can be applied to today’s world.

In Seminar I, we study the evolution of the modern business organization from a global perspective. We specifically focus on the rise of the joint-stock corporation and the emergence of professional management. In Seminar II and III, students conduct case studies of companies from specific industries in Japan. The case studies will enable students to gain a better understanding of Japanese entrepreneurship and management, and acquire skills necessary to analyze companies as well as their competitive environments and strategic options. In Seminar IV and V, students will embark on their own research project leading up to their graduation report / thesis.

Course keywords: business organization; management; entrepreneurship.

その他特記事項(Special Notes)

The classes will be conducted in English. However, if necessary, explanations will be given in Japanese.