Mayumi HORI

女性のキャリアデザイン/ Career Design for Women

概要(Course Description)


 Women's social advancement is quite remarkable with an increased working year and an expanded range of occupations. We attribute this to the change in economic and social environments along with a growing awareness among women of what is possible in their lives. With the arrival of a full-fledged declining birthrate and an aging society, expectations for women’s labor force are rising. In near future, a society in which women can fully demonstrate their abilities will be indispensable to improve the women’s labor force both quantitatively and qualitatively. It will be increasingly necessary to cultivate the elements required to be a valued member of society, and essential for women to acquire the knowledge and skill sets vital for thriving in the workplace. Considering each individual’s aptitude and the significance of working, we will study the challenges of continuing careers while contributing to society and keeping better balance between life and work. In this seminar, students will learn the basic of research in the Sophomore year, and then start preparing for the graduation thesis in the Junior year along with receiving career path support. In the Senior year, I will provide guidance on writing graduation thesis and support for job hunting (business manner, mock interview, and guidance on application documents, etc.). We will also plan to conduct company visits (with their consent) when this pandemic is over.