Asako IIDA


(Advertising and Marketing Communication)

概要(Course Description


The Iida Seminar encourages students to think and work on advertising activities. We build marketing strategies targeting global consumers. Our specialty regarding advertisements ranges into multiple aspects; analyzing TV commercials, Web videos, printed ads, and billboard signs are the basics. Our class is eager to expand our topics to digital signage, SNS network, mobile phone app, sales promotion strategy, character design, logo design, movie titles, and naming products and services.


Currently, we are referring to many marketing facts to analyze the advertising strategies of global enterprises. We also see many business examples utilizing the latest SNS technology for better customer communication. The first year of enrollment aims to allow students to create effective advertisements to promote their products in the global market.


The Iida Seminar welcomes 15 new students this year. We have many enthusiastic senior students, including many international students, returnees, and students with international backgrounds. The seminar classes for the curriculum are conducted in English. The professor will ask questions, and the students will be encouraged to share their ideas and opinions. There are plenty of opportunities for group discussions and presentations, where students can hone their creativity and expertise through detailed feedback. Professor Iida specializes in commercial linguistics, is fluent in English, and works as a copywriter. She is also a Japan Naming Association board member. She has long experience teaching English dissertations, so you can feel confident about participating in the seminar for your graduation thesis.










(1) ゼミ紹介資料(日本語版) Introduction to the Iida Seminar: PDF file in Japanese


(2) ゼミ紹介動画(英語版) Introductory video of Iida Seminar in English


その他特記事項(Special Notes)


◆ 日本最大のキャッチコピーのコンテスト「宣伝会議賞」や、「文化放送ラジオCMコンテスト」、そして「販促コンペ」などの課題を分析して応募しています。昨年度は、中大卒のコピーライターや博報堂のクリエーターを招いてのワークショップを開き、その成果が実って、宣伝会議賞学生チーム部門で全国3位に入賞しました。

◆ 夏頃には、内定を勝ち取った4年生の先輩の就職活動体験を聞く会を開催、ESの書き方やインターンシップの活用法を教えてもらったり、12月には卒論の体験談をシェアする座談会を設けたりしています。「サブゼミ」体験会も開きますので、ランチ持参で遊びに来て下さい。