Science and Religion — Rolston Publications

Rolston Publications in Science and Religion


Three Big Bangs: Matter-Energy-Life-Mind Book Summary:

Columbia University Press, 2011

ISBN 978-0-231-15639-4

Science and Religion: A Critical Survey Book summary:

Republished by Templeton Foundation Press, 2006

with a new introduction

ISBN 1-59947-099-3

ISBN 978-1-59947-099-3

First published, text edition, Random House, 1987

ISBN 0-394-36327-2

Hardcover, Temple University Press, 1987

ISBN 0-87722-437-4

Text edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1989

ISBN 0-07-554211-0

Republished 1997:

Harcourt Brace College Publishers

ISBN 0-15-505797-9

"Human uniqueness and human responsibility: Science and religion in the new millennium." New introduction 2006 edition. Online at:

Chapter 1. Methods in Scientific and Religious Inquiry. Online at:

Chapter 7. Nature, History, and God. Online at:

"Scientific and Religious Logic" from Chapter 1 (pp. 22-31) reprinted in Michael Peterson, William Hasker, Bruce Reichenbach, and David Basinger, eds., Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Science and Religion: An Introduction for Youth. Softcover, hardback, e-book. Nashville, TN: Elm Hill Books, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, an imprint of Thomas Nelson, 2019. Book summary online at:

科學與宗教:為年輕人寫的簡介 Science and Religion: An Introduction for Youth, 羅斯頓 Holmes Rolston III /著 ISBN 978-986-5637-96-5 web:// email: publish@pctpress,org. 陳慈美 / 譯 Translated by Tzu-Mei Chen. Chinese characters from English original Elm Hill Press, by permission. Chinese translation copyright ©2021 by Taiwan Church Press. Includes after the end of the book, pp. 106-109, in Chinese Rolston, The Way of Nature Is the Way of the Cross. Online at:

Genes, Genesis and God. Book summary:

Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Gifford Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 1997-1998. See the section of this website on Gifford Lectures.

Selected Publications in Science and Religion

"Care on Earth: Generating Informed Concern," in Paul Davies and Niels Henrik Gregersen, eds., Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pages. 204-245. Online at:

"Creative Genesis: Escalating Naturalism and Beyond," Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc) 1(2014):9-23. This is the inaugural issue of this journal, a European-based hournal of religion and science, in which Rolston was asked to write the lead paper. Online at:

"The Science and Religion Dialogue - Why it Matters," in Fraser Watts and Kevin Dutton, eds., Why the Science and Religion Dialogue Matters: Voices from the International Society for Science and Religion (Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2006), pages 33-37. Address at Boston: International Society for Science and Religion, 2004. Online at:

"Does Nature Need To Be Redeemed?" Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 29(1994):205-229. Article awarded John Templeton Foundation award for best scholarly papers in religion, 1994. Plenary address at Conference on "Creation, Ecology, and Ethics," Chicago, October 1992. Also invited address at American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, San Francisco, November 1992. Also in Horizons in Biblical Theology 14(no. 2, 1993):143-172. Online at:

Reprinted in Charles Taliaferro and Paul J. Griffiths, eds., Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), pages 530-543.

"Science and Christianity," in Donald W. Musser and Joseph L. Price, eds., New and Enlarged Handbook of Christian Theology (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003), pages 450-454. Online at: Earlier article in: The New Handbook of Christian Theology (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992), pages 430-432.

"Genes, Brains, Minds: The Human Complex," in Kelly Bulkeley, ed., Soul, Psyche, Brain: New Directions in the Study of Religion and Brain-Mind Science (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pages 10-35. Online at:

"Religion in an Age of Science; Metaphysics in an Age of History," commissioned longer critical review of Ian Barbour, Religion in an Age of Science: The Gifford Lectures, vol. 1 (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1990) in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 27(1992):65-87. Online at:

"Science, Religion, and the Future." Pages 61-82 in W. Mark Richardson and Wesley J. Wildman, eds., Religion and Science: History, Method, Dialogue (London: Routledge, 1996). Online at:

"In the Zone of Complexity: Science and the Sacred," Parabola 30 (no. 1, 2005):46-53. Thirtieth anniversary issue. Online at:

"The Good Samaritan and his Genes." Pages 238-252 in Philip Clayton and Jeffrey Schloss, eds., Evolution and Human Morality in Biological and Religious Perspective (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2004. Online at:

"Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology: An Overview." Pages 8473-8477 (vol. 12) in Lindsay Jones, editor-in-chief, The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson/Gale, 2005). Online at:

"Scientific Inquiry" (Secular Scientific Spirituality). Pages 387-413 in Peter H. Van Ness, ed., Spirituality and the Secular Quest (New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 1996). Volume 22 of World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest. Online at:

"Evolutionary History and Divine Presence," Theology Today (Princeton) 55(1998):415-434. Online at:

"Disvalues in Nature." The Monist 75(1992):250-278. Reprinted in Andrew Brennan, ed., The Ethics of the Environment (Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1995), pages 87-115. Online at:

"Naturalizing and Systematizing Evil." Pages 67-86 in Willem B. Drees, ed., Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value (London: Routledge, 2003). Online at:

"Kenosis and Nature." Pages 43-65 in John Polkinghorne, ed., The Work of Love: Creation as Kenosis. (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., and London: SPCK). Online at:

"Order and Disorder in Nature, Science, and Religion." Pages 1-14 in George W. Shields and Mark Shale, eds., Science, Technology and Religious Ideas: Proceedings of the Institute for Liberal Studies, vol. 4 (Frankfort, KY: Institute for Liberal Studies, Kentucky State University, 1993). Keynote address at Institute for Liberal Studies, Conference on Science, Technology, and Religious Ideas, Kentucky State University, April 2-3, 1993. Online at:

"Can Science Dispense with Religion?" Pages 315-326 in Mehdi Golshani, ed., Can Science Dispense with Religion?, 3rd ed. (Tehran, Iran: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS), 2004). Click here for file.

"Inevitable Humans: Simon Conway Morris's Evolutionary Paleontology," Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 40 (2005):221-229. Online at:

"Science." Pages 1494-1497 (Volume 2) in Bron R. Taylor, editor-in-chief, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum Publishers, 2005. Online at:

"Aesthetics of Nature and the Sacred." Pages 18-21 (Volume 1) in Bron R. Taylor, editor-in-chief, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum Publishers, 2005. Online at:

"Planetary Spiritual (In)formation." Pages 330-336 in Charles L. Harper, Jr., ed., Spiritual Information. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2006.
Online at:

"Environmental Ethics and Religion/Science." Pages 908-928 in Philip Clayton and Zachary Simpson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). Online at:
What to make of who we are, where we are, what we ought to do? What to make of Earth, the home planet? Earth is proving to be a remarkable planet. Simultaneously, however, humans are a wonder on wonderland Earth. The foreboding challenge is that these humans now jeopardize both themselves and their planet. Science and religion are equally needed, and strained, to bring salvation (to use a religious term), to keep life on Earth sustainable (to use a more secular, scientific term).

"Science and Religion in the Face of the Environmental Crisis." Pages 376-397 in Roger S. Gottlieb, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology. (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). Online at:

"Environmental Ethics: Some Challenges for Christians." In Harlan Beckley, ed., The Annual: Society of Christian Ethics (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1993), pages 163-186. Reprinted in Church and Society, July/August 1996, pages 37-50. Reprinted in The Egg: An Eco-Justice Quarterly (Environmental Justice Working Group of the National Council of Churches) vol. 13, no. 3 (summer 1993):6-10, 18. Keynote address at the Society of Christian Ethics, Annual National Conference, Savannah, GA, January 8-10, 1993. Online at:

"Dominion," entry in Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Volume 1, The Spirit of Sustainability, ed. Willis Jenkins (Great Barrington, Mass: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2010), pp.110-111. Online at:

"Science, Religion, and Ecology," entry in Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Volume 1, The Spirit of Sustainability, ed. Willis Jenkins. Great Barrington, Mass: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2010), pp. 353-356. Online at:

"The Bible and Ecology," Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology 50(1996):16-26. Online at: Also translated into Japanese.

Translated into Chinese in Huan-Jing Luun-Li-Shei Ru-Men (Introduction to Environmental Ethics), ed. Tsu-Mei Chen (Taipei: Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association, 2007), pages 208-213. ISBN 978-986-84047-0-0. Online at:

"Preaching on the Environment," JP Journal for Preachers 23 (no. 4, 2000):25-32. Online at:

Translated into Chinese, "Huan-Ching Chiang-Chang," in Huan-Jing Luun-Li-Shei Ru-Men (Introduction to Environmental Ethics), ed. Tsu-Mei Chen (Taipei: Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association, 2007), pages 246-261. ISBN 978-986-84047-0-0. Online at:

"Wildlife and Wildlands: A Christian Perspective." Pages 122-143 in Dieter T. Hessel, ed., After Nature's Revolt: Eco-Justice and Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1992.
Online at:

Reprinted in part as "Christians, Wildlife, Wildlands," in Earth Letter, January 2001, pp. 4-6. (Earth Ministry, 1305 NE 47th St., Seattle, WA 98105).

Translated into Chinese in Dieter T. Hessel, ed., Shengtai gongyi: Dui dadi fanpuide xinyang fanxing (Taiwan: Diqiuri Chubanshe, 1997), pp. 233-265. Translated by Text Committee of the Taiwan Ecological Theology Center. ISBN 0-8006-2532-3. Online at:

"Biodiversity and Spirit," Science and Spirit 11(no. 4, November/December 2000):34. Epilogue, one-page essay in a theme issue on Science, Religion, and the Stewardship of Earth. Online at:

"Creation: God and Endangered Species." In Ke Chung Kim and Robert D. Weaver, eds., Biodiversity and Landscape (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pages 47-60. Also published in Lawrence S. Hamilton, ed., Ethics, Religion and Biodiversity (Cambridge, England: The White Horse Press, 1993), pages 40-64.
Online at:

"Caring for Nature: From Fact to Value, from Respect to Reverence," Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 39(no. 2, 2004):277-302. Invited Templeton Lecture, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 23, 2003. Online at:

Translated into Chinese, "Kan-Kuo Tsu-Jan: Tsung Shih-Shih tao Chia-Chih, Tsung Tsun-Ching tao Tsun-Tsung," in Huan-Jing Luun-Li-Shei Ru-Men (Introduction to Environmental Ethics), ed. Tsu-Mei Chen (Taipei: Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association, 2007), pages 214-244. ISBN 978-986-84047-0-0. Online at:

Abridged and revised in: "Caring for Nature: From Respect to Reverence," Discerning a Moral Environmental Ethic, The Maryville Symposium: Conversations on Faith and the Liberal Arts (Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee), volume 2, 2008, pages 5-25.

"Caring for Nature: What Science and Economics Can't Teach Us but Religion Can," Environmental Values 15(2006):307-313. Online at:

"Celestial Aesthetics: Over Our Heads and/or in Our Heads," Theology and Science 9(2011):273-285. Address at the 7th International Conference on Environmental Aesthetics, University of Joensuu, at the Valamo Monastery,Heinävesi, Finland, March 2009. Online at:
in Finnish: Taivas päämme: yllä ja päässämme Online at:

"Environment" (Theism and Environment). Pages 541-552 in Charles Taliaferro, Victoria S. Harrison, and Stewart Goetz, eds., The Routledge Companion to Theism (London: Routledge, 2013). Online at:

"Generating Life on Earth: Five Looming Questions." Pages 197-225 in F. LeRon Shultz, ed., The Evolution of Rationality. (Grand Rapids: MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2006).
Online at:

"Science and Technology in Light of Religion." Pages 33-38 in Heidi A. Campbell and Heather Looy, eds., A Science and Religion Primer. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009). Online ar:

"Creation and Resurrection." JP Journal for Preachers 32(no. 3, 2009):25-32. Online at:

"Preaching on the Wonder of Creation." JP Journal for Preachers 34(no. 4, 2011):39-46. Online at:

"The Bond between Nature, Faith." Times Union, Albany, New York. Saturday, April 4, 2009, p. B3. Online at:

"Saving Creation: Faith Shaping Environmental Policy." Harvard Law and Policy Review 4(2010):121-148. Online at:

"Suffering through to Something Higher." Pages 248-258 in James W. Haag, Gregory R. Peterson, and Michael L. Spezio, eds., The Routledge Companion to Religion and Science (London: Routledge, 2012). Online at:

Review of Alister McGrath, The Open Secret: A New Vision for Natural Theology (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008). In Conversations in Religion and Theology 7(no. 2, 2009):194-200, and McGrath response, "On Secrets, Lilies, and Daisies," pp. 200-206. Online at:

Review of Martin A. Nowak, SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. New York: Free Press, 2011).
Online at:

"Science Education and Moral Education." Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 23(1988):347-355. Online at:

"Community: Ecological and Ecumenical." The Iliff Review 30 (1973):3-14. (Iliff Theological Seminary, Denver). Online at:

"The Challenge of the New Millennium. Holmes Rolston III Asks Whether Reasoned Behavior [Governing Science] Is Possible in the Midst of Self-Seeking Ideologies and Ancient Appetites," TPM The Philosophers' Magazine(London: Royal Institute of Philosophy), Issue 59, 4th Quarter 2012, pp. 30-37. Online at:

"Unlimited Love and its Limits." Pages 261-264 in Stephen G. Post, compiler, Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love? (West Consohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2014).
Online at:

"Consciousness, Environmental Ethics and Science-Religion Dialogue." Rolston interviewed by T. D. Singh and J. N. Srivastava, on the occasion of his winning the Templeton Prize (2003). In Savijñānam (Journal of the Bhaktivedanta Institute), theme issue: Scientific Exploration for a Spiritual Paradigm, vol. 8 (2013)1-18 (Calcutta, India).
Online at:

"Messaging Morality: Ethics across the Cosmos." Online at:
Rolston lecture at a SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) workshop, February 14, 2015, Mountain View, California. 52 minutes. When we consider active SETI, or METI, transmitting messages that might be received by extraterrestrial intelligence, what might we say about human morality? Messages will more likely be understood if kept short and basic. Seek peace! Be fair! Tell the truth! Keep promises! Taking a longer view, considering transit millennia, we should transmit truths that are both profound and permanently true.

"Placing, Displacing, Replacing the Sacred: Science, Religion, and Spirituality," Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 9(no. 2, 2015):199-205. Reply to a target article by Lisa Sideris, "Science as Sacred Myth? Ecospirituality in the Anthropcene Age." Online at:

"Biblical Wilderness - midbar, arabah, eremos." (CSU digital archives). Online project. Wilderness Babel (words for wilderness in different languages). Marcus Hall, Switzerland. Short text on Biblical wilderness online, with photos. Arcadia, Online Explorations in European Environmental History.
Online internet at:

"Loving Nature: Past Present, and Future," Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 70(# 1, 2016):34-47. Online at:

"Loving Nature: Christian Environmental Ethics," Pages 313-331 in Frederick V. Simmons with Brian C. Sorrels, eds., Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2016). Online at:

"Foreword: Weaving What Together?" in James S. Mastaler, Woven Together: Faith and Justice for the Earth and the Poor (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2019), pp. ix-xii.
Online at:

"Lame Science? Blind Religion?" Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 54(2019):351-353. Commentary on Lisa Sideris, Consecration Science.
Online at:

"Surprisingly Neuroplastic Human Brains: Reading, Science, Philosophy, Theology," Theology and Science 2019, Vol. 17. No. 3, pages 395-402.
Online at:
Human brains, dramatically more complex than anything else in the known universe, are marvelously mutable. Recent neuroscience focuses on how humans create cumulative transmissible cultures which in turn shape mental development. When cultures become literate, cognitive powers escalate. Although until recently only a comparative few learned to read and write, this takes place with the serendipitous re-use of pattern recognizing capacities, such as those for recognizing faces. With sustained reading diligence, as required during education in science, philosophy, and theology, this results in advanced cognitive skills.

Research Conference

The following papers appear in an issue of the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 2, the proceedings of a research conference devoted to Rolston's work at the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, February 8-16, 1991.

Online at:

"Respect for Life: Christians, Creation, and Environmental Ethics," pp. 1-8. Article 1 in above URL

"Genes, Genesis, and God in Natural and Human History," pp. 9-23. Article 2 in above URL

Proceedings papers, commentaries in analysis of Rolston's published work and conference papers:

(the five commentaries following): All in Article 3 of above URL

Robert T. Schimke, "Reflections from a Molecular Biologist," pp. 24-26.

Walter R. Hearn, "Science, Selves, and Stories," pp. 26-31.

Carol J. Tabler, "Value Vocabulary in Biology and Theology," pp. 32-33.

Ted Peters, "Beyond the Genes: Epigenesis and God, pp. 34-35.

Margaret R. McLean, "A Moral World `Red in Tooth and Claw'," pp. 36-38.


Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1995. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., purchased rights, 1997). Edited anthology from Conference on Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life, held at Colorado State University, September 1991. Book summary:

Contributors: Thomas R. Cech, Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Niles Eldredge, Michael Ruse, Francisco J. Ayala, Langdon Gilkey, Charles Birch.


"Responsible Man in Reformed Theology" Scottish Journal of Theology 23(1970):129-156. Online at: