2. Life: Full House! Lonely Planet?
(Three Big Questions)
— Colorado State University 2012

"2. Life: Full House! Lonely Planet? (Three Big Questions)." Recorded at Colorado State University March 22, 2012. Online at: http://hdl.handle.net/10217/67472

Where once there were no species on Earth, there are today five to ten million. Information coded in DNA, a "cybernetic" molecule makes possible a creative upflow of life struggling through turnover of species and resulting in more diverse and complex forms of life, producing a wonderland of biodiversity. Life is ever "conserved," biologists might say; life is perpetually "redeemed," theologians might say. Is such creative evolutionary natural history probable, improbably, lucky, random, ordered, disordered, inevitable? Is wonderland Earth a lonely planet? What of the human responsibility to respect life? Is life sacred? A gift? With commentary by Michael Antolin and John McKay.