The Bible and Ecology

Interpretation — 1996

"The Bible and Ecology," Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology 50(1996):16-26. online at:

"The Bible is not a book of ecology. It does recommend a human ecology, accentuating life in justice and love that makes possible a good (righteous), long (sustainable) life in a promised, promising land. Contemporary readers encounter claims about how to value nature, the earthen genesis with intrinsic goodness, blessed by God. That vision is biocentric, anthropocentric, and theocentric. The Hebrew scriptures can be a catalyst in our ecological crisis.

"The Bible and Ecology" Rolston, Holmes, III, 经与生态学, Chen, Tzu-Mei, ed., 环境伦理学入门 (Introduction to Environmental Ethics), 208-213. Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association, 2007.

Translated by Chen, Tzu-Mei; original English version in Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Ecology 50 (1996).

Also translated into Japanese.