Respekt vor dem Leben: das Berücksichtigen, was Singer als Belanglos Ansieht
Natur und Kultur 2001

"Respekt vor dem Leben: das Berücksichtigen, was Singer als Belanglos Ansieht," in Natur und Kultur: Transdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit 2, no. 1 (2001): 97-116. Online at:

Though to be commended for his concern for animals, Peter Singer has an inadequate environmental ethic. Beyond the higher animals, Singer insists, "there is nothing to be taken into account." In fact, most of the biological world has yet to be taken into account: lower animals, insects, microbes, plants, species, ecosystems and their processes, and the global system of life on Earth. A deeper respect for life must value more directly all living things and the generative processes that sustain life at all its levels, from the genetic to the global.

Originally published as: "Respect for Life: Counting What Singer Finds of No Account." Pages 247-268 in Dale Jamieson, ed., Singer and His Critics (Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1999).