Gifford Lectures

University of Edinburgh, Gifford Lectures

November 1997

Rolston delivered the Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinburgh, Academic Year 1997-1998, in November 1997, with the title: Genes, Genesis and God

Genes, Genesis and God is published by Cambridge University Press, 1999

Paperback $ 18.95. ISBN 0-521-64674-X

Hardcover $ 59.95. ISBN 0-521-64108-X

Chapter 1 and Chapter 6 - book summary.

Chapter 1. Genetic Values: Diversity and Complexity in Natural History.

Chapter 6. Religion: Naturalized, Socialized, Evaluated.

Click below for more information. Gifford Lectures, General Information

Lecture 1. Genetic Creativity: Diversity and Complexity in Natural History, streaming online video, 1 hour. Windows Media. November 10, 1997.

Lecture 10. Genes, Genesis and God, streaming online video, 1 hour. Windows Media. December 1, 1997.


Review, Genes, Genesis and God. By Frederick Ferré, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 47(No. 3, June 2000):179-182. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Review, Genes, Genesis and God. By John A. Bryant, Science and Christian Belief 12(No. 1, 2000):85-86.

Other critical notice:

Translated into Chinese: Ji Ying, Chuang Shi Ji han Shang Di (Genes, Genesis, and God), translators Fan Hua Nien and Chen Yang Hui (Chan Sha City, Hunan, China: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2003). ISBN 7-5357-3634-3/R· 806