Rolston viewing a Pasqueflower

Rolston viewing a Pasqueflower. Online at:

Holmes Rolston, hiking in spring woods, discovers a Pasqueflower, one of the earliest blooming wildflowers, about Easter. "We walk too hurriedly if ever we pass the season's first Pasqueflower by, too busy to let its meeting stay us for a quiet moment before this token of the covenant of life to continue in beauty despite the storm." "Life decomposes and out of its throes it recomposes. It persists in beauty despite its perpetual perishing. Light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it." "Let winters come; life will flower on as long as Earth shall last."

The Pasqueflower, Natural History: Magazine of the American Museum of Natural History 88, no. 4 (April 1979): 6-16. Online at: