Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life - Book 1995

Critical Notice: Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life

Harmon R. Holcomb, III (Philosophy, University of Kentucky) says of Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life: "A delight to teach, this anthology conveys our best efforts to come to grips with what biology is telling us about human nature: human beings are an evolved social species having mind, culture, and morality. In striving to reconcile our evolutionary past with the challenges of living an ethical life today, this book captures the interests of all students, especially biology students. Rolston's introductions make the book easy to teach and the uniformly readable, informative articles never fail to inspire good discussions. No other short book succeeds so well in showing how scientists, philosophers, and theologians can learn from each other and work together to keep our overall vision of human life on earth honest." In review note, published by Jones and Bartlett.

Clifford Matthews (Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago) says that Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life is an "exceptionally stimulating collection of essays." "Holmes Rolston ... has done a superb job in planning and editing this volume, not only contributing a thoughtful introduction to the symposium as a whole but also supplying separate introductions for each chapter, a final provocative overview by way of an epilogue, and a helpful glossary and index. This slim volume on biology and origins is not to be missed by anyone at all interested in religion and science and life." Review in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 31(1996):530-535.

John G. Quilter (Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, New South Wales) cites Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life for its "awareness of the complexities of the issues and the current state of the relevant literature in the philosophy of science." In "A Questionable View of the Place of Science in the Foundations of the Law of Life and Death," Death Studies 22(1998):393-401, citation on p. 399, p. 401.