HUSH 37 - 38


Compare and contrast one of these areas of life from 1960 to 1979: sports, entertainment, technology, media, education, literature, religion, culture, fashion, gender, youth. Presentation DUE – cite both primary and secondary sources for your research – you will need a bibliography

THURS 1/19 & FRI 1/20 – p 908 (Do we have a culture of entitlement? Why?) What accounts for the public's fascination with JFK while he was president and since his assassination? Do you think the Kennedy presidency has become more myth than reality in our collective memory? Why - Evaluate Kennedy and Johnson's domestic programs. Do you think they had realistic and admirable goals? Why were they so popular in Congress? ESSAY - Do you feel that Johnson’s Great Society ( Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Civil Rights Act 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965, etc.) overall has been beneficial to the country in the 1960’s and today? Why? DUE MON 1/23

MON 1/23 - Explain why the civil rights movement became more radical and violent as the 1960's progressed. - What changes occurred in the motives, assumptions, and leadership of the movement? pp.879-881, 888-891, 895-899

TUES 1/24 - Briefly describe why the U.S. became involved in the Vietnam conflict. – Do you think there would have been rebellions by the youth without the Vietnam War? - How did the Vietnam War end? Why did it end this way? In what ways had the U.S. “lost more than a war” - What have been three short or long-term consequences of the Vietnam War on the U.S.?

WED 1/25 - Video on Watergate - What was the root of the Watergate scandal? Who was responsible? Why did it balloon into a national crisis? Were the accusations against President Nixon impeachable crimes? Why or why not. (What does the Constitution say about impeachment?)

THURS 1/26 - MUSIC QUIZ 1960'S

FRI 1/27 – Examine how the U.S. changed during the 1960's and 1970’s from what it had been in the 1950's. What were the most significant and explain why. - What is “Moral Relativism”? - What problems did President Ford face as president? What were his successes? Was Ford’s pardon of Nixon justified? Why? - Explain why Jimmy Carter’s presidency began with such great popularity and why at the end of his term he was so unpopular. What were the causes and consequences of the Iranian hostage crisis?

MON 1/30 - Describe how the Supreme Court changed America – Evaluate the impact of the Warren/Burger/Rehnquist Court on American life. Pick two Supreme Court cases from the list, (Gideon v Wainwright, Griswold v CT, Miranda v AZ, Engel v Vitale, Tinker v Des Moines, Furman v Georgia, Loving v. VA) briefly describe it, explain the impact and why you agree or disagree with the Court’s decision. ( for research)

TUES 1/31 - Test ESSAY - BRIEFLY Compare and contrast the 5 presidents (JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and Carter) during the 1960’s/1970’s. Which do you consider the better president? Why? DUE TUES 1/31

WED 2/1 - MUSIC QUIZ 1970'S.



J.F.K., R.F.K., Lee Harvey Oswald, Malcolm X, L.B.J., Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon, George Wallace, Peace Corps, Viet Cong, Bay of Pigs, flexible response, Cuban Missile Crisis, Great Society, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Civil Rights Act of 1964, March on Washington, 24th Amendment, Tet offensive, counterculture, Operation Rolling Thunder, Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Henry Kissinger, Earl Warren, Warren Burger, John Dean, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Shah of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, détente, Vietnamization, My Lai Massacre, Cambodian incursion, Kent State killings, 26th Amendment, ABM Treaty, SALT, Watergate scandal, CREEP, enemies list, Saturday Night Massacre, executive privilege, Pentagon Papers, Iranian hostage crisis, Title IX, OPEC, EPA, War Powers Act, George McGovern, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Roe, Miranda v. Arizonia, Gideon, Engel v. Vitale, Bakke, Griswold v. Conn.