Chapters 9,10,11,12


WED 9/7 - Identify 3 problems the U.S. faced after it gained independence. – Describe one of the successes and two of the failures of the Articles of Confederation. – What caused the downfall of the A. of C.? DUE THURS 9/8

THURS 9/8 - Explain the fundamental aspects of the Constitution. Federalist papers #’s10 and 51

FRI 9/9 – What is an American? Discuss the French Revolution and the problems for the U.S. Examine the National Bank, Whiskey Rebellion, and political parties. - Read – Chapter 10 pp.202-207, 219

MON 9/12 – Analyze the views of Hamilton and the Federalists and Jefferson and the Dem.-Rep. on political philosophy, long-term social and economic outlook, interpretations of the Constitution, federal vs. state power. - DUE WED 9/14 - Which party would you support(Hamilton or Jefferson) and why? – How would Jefferson and Hamilton feel about our country and government today?

TUES 9/13 - Identify the merits of Jay’s and Pinckney’s Treaty, the Neutrality Proclamation, Alien and Sedition Acts and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Discuss the XYZ Affair and Washington’s Farewell Address.

WED 9/14 & THURS 9/15 – Describe the court case Marbury v. Madison. Why do the text’s authors refer to the case as “epochal”? Describe the ramifications of the decision. - Describe the end of the Federalist Party, the election of 1800, and the Louisiana Purchase. Assign Chapter 12 (up to p.240 the American System - Evaluate the Jeffersonian presidency. Include in your answer Jefferson’s foreign affairs policies and actions, and Jefferson’s domestic policies and actions. DUE MON 9/19

FRI 9/16/ MON 9/19/TUES 9/20 - Examine the Orders of Council, Impressment of sailors, the embargo, and the Non -Intercourse Act. - Describe the War of 1812, the Hartford Convention, and why sectionalism grew in New England. - Was the U.S justified in going to war against the Barbary pirates? The War of 1812? Why? - Discuss the results of the war on the U.S. and Canada and the rise of nationalism in Europe after 1815. – Review

WED 9/21 - Test chapters 9,10,11,12 - ESSAYChoose one of these 3 men, (Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton) and evaluate why you think he had the most dramatic impact upon the U.S. between 1789 - 1814 – List and describe at least two reasons for your choice. Due WED 9/21


John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, implied powers, enumerated powers, excise tax, nullification, Bank of the U.S., Jay’s Treaty, Farewell Address, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, XYZ Affair, John Marshall, Aaron Burr, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Lewis and Clark Expedition, James Madison, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Tecumseh, William Henry Harrison, Francis Scott Key, judicial review, impressment, Judiciary Act of 1789 &. 1801, Orders in Council, Marbury v. Madison, Embargo Act, Louisiana Purchase, Non Intercourse Act, Treaty of Ghent, Hartford Convention, Pinckney’s Treaty, Battles of (Horseshoe Bend, Tippicanoe, Thames, New Orleans, and Baltimore), USS Chesapeake, national debt, protective tariff, Alien and Sedition Acts, War Hawks