"Developing the whole person- spirit, body, and mind." PND

"For a democracy to survive it must have an educated and involved populace." JMC

"What is legal and what is right could get married because they are not related." JMC

"A republic is people locked in civil argument when the argument ends the republic ends."

John Courtney Murray S.J.

"I don't want to end up simply having visited this world."

Mary Oliver

"Never let your successes blind you or your failures define you." JMC

Fall 7 Rise 8 - Japanese Zen proverb

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why not." Robert F. Kennedy (George Bernard Shaw)

"The good is done, but it is not said. And certain medals hang on the soul, not on the jacket." Gino Bartali

College Prep:

The course presents a survey of the development of United States from the time of exploration to the present. Instruction focuses on the historical development of the United States from continental, colonial beginnings to the present with special emphasis given to the identification of significant people, events, issues/controversies, political, economic, social, and geographical developments that have shaped the American culture and established the United States’ place in the world.

Students may concurrently enroll in this course with Illinois Central College (ICC) credit for both semesters with official enrollment and fee payment at ICC.