Chapters 1-8


MON 8/22 – Explain the class. Describe ICC CREDIT - Go over verbs for the essays: Define, Explain, Describe/I.D., Examine, Compare/Contrast, Infer, Speculate, Evaluate, Assess. All essays must show/cite your sources. If it is from the text book, a page number is acceptable after the information. If you are using an outside source, cite sources like you do in your English classes.

TUES 8/23 - How did the Crusades, the Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance and the rise of the nation states help cause exploration? Which of these do you feel had the greatest impact? Justify your answer with 2 reasons why. Due WED 8/24

Describe how and why each country started their North American settlements (England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden). What problems and successes did each have?

WED 8/24 – Analyze the three sections of the English colonies: New England,(Mass., Conn., Rhode Island, New Hampshire) Middle,(New York, New Jersey, Penn., Delaware, Maryland) Southern (Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia) - (ex. religion, settlement, ethnicity, society, government, slavery, loyalty, economy). - - - - - -

- Assess the extent that the Great Awakening facilitated a sense among Americans that they were a single people, united by a common history and shared cultural and social experiences. DUE FRI 8/26

THURS 8/25 – Why did colonial masters first adopt the institutions of indentured servitude? Why did black slavery replace it? What was Bacon’s Rebellion? Was slavery primarily the result of racism or economics? - Describe the Act of Toleration, Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams, the Salem witch trials. How did religion play a role in the growth of America?

FRI 8/26 - Compare and contrast European values and ways of life with those of the Native Americans. (religion, ownership of land, notions of freedom)

MON 8/29 – Describe the Navigation Laws and the colonial reaction to them. Define salutary neglect and mercantilism. DBQ #3 p A65 - DUE WED 8/31

TUES 8/30 - List the causes and consequences of the French and Indian War. What do the colonies owe England? What changed in the colonies between 1607 and 1760? (society, technology, religiously, family, ethnically)

WED 8/31 – List each act(s). (Sugar, Quartering, Stamp, Declaratory, Townshend, Quebec, Intolerable) Describe it. Tell why England wrote it. What was the colonial reaction?

ESSAY – Were the colonial grievances justified or was England being reasonable? Explain – Due FRI 9/2

THURS 9/1 – List the advantages and disadvantages of the British and the colonies. Describe the Olive Branch petition and its impact on England and the colonies. Discuss the war strategies and battles, and the civil war between the Tories and the Patriots. – Finish notes on the war. Decide whether this was a revolution or a conservative attempt to keep the status quo. Examine the theory of mercantilism and the role it played in prompting Americans to rebel in 1776

FRI 9/2 Examine the Declaration of Independence as both historical document and revolutionary propaganda. Discuss the short- and long-term historical significance of the grand rhetoric in the first part and the specific indictment in the second part. - Review

TUES 9/6 -Test chapters 1-8 – Choose 6 inter-connected events between 1492 and the Treaty of Paris 1783. Briefly explain each event, how it is DIRECTLY connected to the other events, and how it led to American independence.(show causation) - Due MON 9/5


Lord Baltimore, royal charter, slave codes, indentured servants, House of Burgesses, Spanish Armada, Act of Toleration, Virginia Company, Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams, William Penn, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Puritans, Quakers, Mayflower Compact, Ben Franklin, 1st Great Awakening, Bacon’s Rebellion, headright system, Proclamation of 1763, “no taxation without representation”, royal veto, mercenaries, George Washington, King George III, Sam Adams, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Marquis de Lafayette, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Common Sense, George Rogers Clark, Battles of (Quebec, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Trenton, Kaskaskia, Yorktown), Hessians, Tories/Loyalists, Treaty of Paris 1763 and 1783, 2nd Continental Congress, Boston Massacre, mercantilism, salutary neglect, Sons of Liberty, Boston Tea Party, Albany Congress, Olive Branch petition, all the various acts (Navigation Laws, Sugar, Quartering, Stamp, Declaratory, Townshend, Quebec, Intolerable)