Chapters 20, 21, 22


MON 10/17 - Chapters 20-21 - Do a timeline of the major battles in the East and the West: First Bull Run, Peninsular Campaign, Monitor v. Merrimack, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness Campaign, Fort Henry and Fort Donalson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Sherman’s March. Tell when the battle was fought, who won, importance of the battle. – DUE WED 10/19 – What problems did each side face during the war? Identify the significance of the Border States to both the North and the South. - Identify the strategies of the Civil War and their significance.

TUES 10/18 & WED 10/19CHART DUE - GO OVER IN CLASS - p463 Varying Viewpoints - Examine President Lincoln’s violation of civil liberties during the Civil War. - Explain one example and tell if you believe he was justified? Why or why not? What questions arise as a result of the Civil War? What do you think are the main reasons why the South lost the Civil War? Explain your choices. Examine the technological changes and how life changed during the Civil War.

THURS 10/20 - FRI 10/21 - MON 10/24 Text chapter 22 pp. 488-495(chapter 23) - Analyze Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, and Congress’ plans for Reconstruction. - Describe the problems with Reconstruction, Johnson’s impeachment and Grant’s administration. – Varying Viewpoints pp.483 - Analyze the effects Reconstruction had on the U.S. What questions arise as a result of the Civil War? It has been said that the North won the Civil War, but the South won the Reconstruction. Is that statement true? Explain. The Lost Cause - Explain 1 way Reconstruction was a success and 1 way it was a failure? Do you feel it was more of a success or a failure? Why? MON 10/24

TUES 10/25 - Wrap up - Review

WED 10/26 - Test - chapters 20-22 - ESSAY – List the 3 most significant consequences of the Civil War /Reconstruction. Justify your selections. - DUE WED 10/26


Charles Adams, Clara Barton, William Seward, Edwin Stanton, Jefferson Davis, Clement Vallandigham, Andrew Johnson, John Wilkes Booth. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, U.S. Grant, William T. Sherman, Alexander Stephens, Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens, New York Draft Riots, Merrimack, Monitor, Emancipation Proclamation, Copperheads, First Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Wilderness Campaign, Appomattox Courthouse, Freedmen’s Bureau, Black Codes, KKK, scalawags, Carpetbaggers, sharecropping, “Seward’s Folly”, Force Acts, Tenure of Office Act, Military Reconstruction Act, Civil Rights Act of 1875, Wade-Davis Bill, Amendments 13,14,15