Review of good health, conduct and character status

The Fitness to Practise Committee will review your records throughout your programme and prior to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). It is your responsibility to notify your supervisor of any changes to your health or character status (e.g. cautions or convictions, pending charges) at the point they occur during your programme of study. The FtP policy states: 

‘Applicants and Students are required to disclose any criminal convictions (including spent convictions under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) and inclusion on the Disclosure & Barring Service ‘barred Lists’, and/or the details of any proceedings they become the subject of that may call into question their fitness to practise prior to admission to the University of York and/or whilst the student remains registered on their programme of study. Should an applicant/student fail to disclose the required information and it subsequently is made known, the applicant/student will be referred to the Fitness to Practise Committee’. 

Annual self-declaration of good health and good character take place at the beginning of each new academic year and at the end of the programme prior to registration. Towards the end of your programme, the Department is required to consider any issues that have arisen during your programme relating to your health and character which may influence your eligibility to register with the NMC. A process of declaration regarding good health and good character by you, the learner, and your personal supervisor, is therefore reviewed by the Fitness to Practise Committee. If there are any issues of concern, on either health or character grounds, about your eligibility to register with the NMC, the Fitness to Practise Committee will discuss this with you to seek your consent to disclose information to the NMC and apply the Fitness to Practise policy where appropriate. For full information visit the Fitness to Practise Committee website

On completion of the programme and after ratification of results the good health and character declaration on the NMC portal will be completed by the programme lead or the deputy programme lead as NMC registrants.