Uniform and personal appearance guidance

General guidelines

On University-based days, you can wear personal clothing. Uniforms are provided for placement areas ONLY. You will order your uniforms online for 2023/24 academic year. Please follow the instructions given by Student Services prior to your programme commencement date.

Uniforms can be adapted to take account of cultural and/or religious requirements. If you would like your uniform adapted for this purpose please inform the Head of Student and Academic Services and/or the Student Services team. Any adaptations must conform to infection control practices.

You are expected to familiarise yourself with the dress code or uniform policy for your placement area and comply fully with those requirements. If you do not adhere to the dress code or uniform policy your practice assessor may consider this as evidence that you are failing to meet professional expectations and values. If you are not sure what dress is appropriate, please discuss it with your practice assessor.

Should you have any queries regarding your uniform (fitting, fit for wear etc.), please contact Student Services.

Travelling in uniform

The wearing of uniform outside your practice placement setting is not permitted unless on specific practice-related activity and permission has been granted by your Practice Assessor/Practice Supervisor/ or Manager. This is for the safety and security of all staff and to minimise the risk of cross infection. If you are required to escort a patient for on-going care and are required to return by public transport, suitable arrangements prior to departure should be made to enable you to return in appropriate clothing. Requests to wear uniform outside of practice placements for formal occasions, or where promoting the University, must be authorised by the relevant programme leader. 

As a learner, please also follow your employer’s policies as regards to the wearing and laundering of uniforms. 

Uniform return

Your are expected to return all required uniform items to Student Services in a laundered condition when you leave the programme.