Module outline and course plan

There are three stages to the programme and each stage has three theory modules and two practice modules. Theory modules are developed on the following themes; Bioscience, Psychosocial and Personal and Professional Development. 




Bioscience theme (identified in blue)

In Stage 1 of the programme you will study the module 'Biological and Pharmacological Aspects of Health and Wellbeing’. This module focuses on the development of knowledge and understanding of concepts related to normal anatomy and physiological processes, the basic principles of pharmacology, and their relevance to your nursing practice. 

The next module in the thread is ‘Biological and Pharmacological Aspects of Ill-Health’. This builds on Stage 1 learning to help you explore more complex bioscientific principles, the concepts of ill-health, disease and pathophysiology, and includes therapeutic use of medicines. 

The final module in the thread is 'Person-Centred Consultation and Physical Assessment Skills'. Here, you bring together your learning from Stages 1 and 2 to apply them to the detailed assessment of people with a range of complex health conditions and prepare for 'prescriber readiness. 

Psychosocial theme (identified in green)

In Stage 1 of the programme, you will study ‘Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Health and Well-Being’; this introductory module considers key psychosocial perspectives underpinning our understanding and experience of health, including the social determinants of health, inequality, and early experiences in childhood. 

In Stage 2 you will study ‘Psychosocial Aspects of Ill Health’: global disease and health inequalities, particular experiences of ill health, such as depression, psychosis, and factors such as stigma that influence and contribute to the experiences of those who are ill. 

In Stage 3 the third module in this theme ‘Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Complex Care’, enables you to turn your attention to the notion of complexity in healthcare and why it matters in nursing. You will consider examples of complex care such as addiction, self-harm, and childhood adversity. 

Personal and professional development theme (identified in purple)

In Stage 1 of the programme you will study ‘Professional Development in Nursing: An Introduction to Nursing Inquiry’. This module encourages exploration of your own life experiences and asks you to consider evidence based practice, uncertainty, person centred care, self awareness and professional values. 

In Stage 2, ‘Professional Development: Evidenced Based Nursing for Practice’ considers how different information informs evidence-based practice and the ways that evidence can be utilised to make decisions in clinical practice. 

In Stage 3, the module ‘Professional Development 3: Leading and Managing Change’ explores how different types of evidence can be used to lead and manage change in the workplace to improve services