Appendix: list of acronyms & abbreviations

BIL: Break in Learning
BoS: Board of Studies

CSU: Clinical Simulation Unit

DH: Department of Health

DoHS: Department of Health Sciences

E-OAR: Electronic Ongoing Achievement Record

FTP: Fitness to Practise

GPhC: General Pharmaceutical Council

GSA: Graduate Students’ Association

HCPC: Health & Care Professions Council

LFA: Languages for All

LOA: Leave of absence

NMC: Nursing and Midwifery Council

OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Examination

PG Cert: Postgraduate Certificate

PG Dip: Postgraduate Diploma

PGTC: Postgraduate Teaching Committee
PIVO: Private, independent and coluntary organisation(s)

PRTC: Pre-Registration Teaching Committee

PSRB: Professional Statutory Regulatory Body

RCM: Royal College of Midwives

RCN: Royal College of Nursing

RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning

SCC: Special Cases Committee

SASS: Student Services

SRB: Seebohm Rowntree Building

SSPRD: Specialist Skills and Post Registration Development

UoY: University of York

VLE: Virtual Learning Environment

YTHNHSFT: York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

YUSU: York University Students Union