Your Department

Whether you feel like you’re thriving or in need of a helping hand, our dedicated Departmental Student Service Team are here to listen, offer guidance and point you in the right direction at every turn. They provide a responsive and personalised service that tries to be inclusive and accessible to all students. They play a central role in contributing to outstanding teaching, understanding the students experience of higher education, the student voice and facilitating better learner engagement and success through the provision of high quality advice, guidance and training.

The Student Services Team are at the very heart of the students support network in the department whilst at university.


This includes acting as a first point of contact and a referral “gateway” to the wider array of student support available within the University to help you on your student journey.


Personal and academic support is for all students, not just those facing issues or in need of help; it is integral to the student experience and vital to empowering students to succeed in their journey and to achieve their full potential.

Departmental student wellbeing officer

Our Departmental Student Wellbeing Officer is available to provide a space for students to discuss any issues that might be concerning and/or affecting their wellbeing during their time at University.