Resits, repeats & readmission

For learners on an apprenticeship route, if you make a successful claim that an assessment is affected by medical or compassionate circumstances, you may be permitted to sit the assessment again 'as if for the first time'. This means that the original attempt will not be considered for progression or award decisions. Please note that in order for an assessment attempt to be ‘voided’ via an exceptional circumstances claim for performance, you must submit something into the original marking process. An exceptional circumstances claim for performance cannot be upheld against non-submission, and the assessment will therefore be processed as a fail at first attempt. Should you be unable to submit by the agreed deadline you will need to apply for an extension through the Exceptional Circumstances process

You are unable to repeat taught or practice elements of your programme, but you may be able to take a break in learning (BIL). For learners on an apprenticeship route, a BIL is granted where the learner plans to return to the same apprenticeship programme and this is agreed with the employer. A BIL "could include medical treatment, parental leave or leave for other personal reasons". Annual leave, public holidays and short-term absences (up to 4 weeks) do not count as a BIL. The BIL may cause an extension request of the apprenticeship programme if the BIL is significant. A BIL can be taken at any time in learning.