Institut Frederic Mompou


Institut Frederic Mompou is a comprehensive secondary school located in Sant Vicenç dels Horts, a market town (circa 30000 inhabitants) 15 km away from Barcelona.

Courses and level taught

We teach 650 students from 12 to 18 years old, and we offer the studies of ESO and Batxillerat (secondary education).

The five pillars of our educational project:

Our school and our students

Presentation video of our students and our school.

Plurilinguism at institut Frederic Mompou

In this video (catalan version only) we explain our plurilinguism project:

  1. English immersion.

  2. Second foreign languages: French, German and Chinese.

Project Based Learning from 12 to 14 y.o.

In this video (catalan version only) we explain our teaching strategies focused on Project Based Learning.

Background and experience

With more than 40 years of experience, institut Frederic Mompou is the eldest secondary state school in Sant Vicenç dels Horts.

So far, we have taken part in two European projects: 2004-2007 Water asset Comenius project; and e-twinning 2019 project.

Our students usually take part in exchange programs in France and Germany. They also are given the opportunity to live in an immersive language program in Ireland, one week long.

Skills and knowledge

Concerning science and techology subjects, our school has the following facilities:

  • Biology lab

  • Chemistry lab

  • Physics lab

  • Technology room

  • 3 computer rooms

  • 4 laptop carts with 30 chromebooks each

  • 15 robotic sets - Lego mindstorms

  • 30 robotic sets - Arduino

Our students make use all these facilities at least twice a week depending on their level.

What can we offer as a STEAM school?

STEAM project "Airplanes"

Through this project, our 13 y.o. students (2nd ESO) experience the job of an aviation engineer, building and measuring paper planes.

The goals they achieve along this STEAM project simulate the work of an engineer:

  1. Design of planes

  2. Control of variables

  3. Taking measures

  4. Data analysis

  5. Final conclusions and redesign of initial models

You can visit the website we created for this project:

STEAM project "Vital signs"

3rd ESO students (14 y.o.) have worked on the vital constants project to achieve the following goals:

  1. Transform numerical results to lineal functions.

  2. Use digital tools to represent graphically numerical results.

  3. Set up mobile applications including simple components.

  4. Know how the circulatory system works.

  5. Define the operating algorithm from the mobile application.

You can visit the website we created for this project and an example of final presentation made by a group of students:

Science and Engineer week

In November, we celebrate the Science and Engineer week with our students. Here you have a sample of the activities we develop:

  1. Amphibian and reptile workshop

  2. Catapult workshop

  3. Visit to planetarium

  4. Science museum trip

  5. Talk with a woman engineer to explain her vocation for science

  6. Workshop about the relation between maths and magics

  7. Chemistry and the cooking science workshop

In May, we organise a Science Fair where our students prepare experiments for the children of primary schools nearby.

What do we want to learn/achieve with this Erasmus+ project?

  1. Expand the foreign exchange experience

Our school is interested in taking part in this type of project as we have a history of participating in programs for the exchange of educational experiences with other countries, both students and teachers. We participate in projects at the local level in order to exchange experiences, and this opportunity offers us to see other realities closer.

  1. Awakening scientific vocations in girls

We would like to see other realities related to the teaching of scientific subjects, and related to how to awaken scientific vocations in girls. We see the lack that exists in our territory with respect to the relationship of girls who pursue scientific careers and, more specifically, in engineering careers.

  1. Get to know other European education systems and other learning methodologies

We understand that the methodology used in centers in other countries will help us to adapt and / or improve our own, or at least see if what we do is equally valid.

  1. Expand the network with other educational agents

Participation in this project offers us the opportunity to establish new relationships with other schools or educational agents, both in our country and abroad, and to work collaboratively among equals, in order to enrich our work as school.

  1. Life experience

This is a great opportunity to meet people from the same professional field and to experience first hand the educational and daily life of the educational community abroad. Discover what unites us as European citizens and be able to live an enriching personal experience, which will surely have a return in our work as teachers at the center.

1) Welcoming school

2) Plurilinguism

3) Giving opportunities to all kind of students

4) STEAM projects

5) Project Based Learning