Diary of our visit

Monday, 10th October

On Monday we travelled from Barcelona to Copenhagen by plane. Once in Copenhagen, we took a train to Nyborg, the town where we were going to spend the next five days. There, we met Mette Helding, the Erasmus+ coordinator of Nyborg's municipality. She welcomed us, she showed us where Birkhovedskolen was and how to get there from the hotel and she told us what our planning for the week was. We could have dinner early and rest, as it had been a very long day for us.

Tuesday, 11th October

On Tuesday, at 9 o'clock, we met Mr Lars Busk Svendsen, the head teacher of Birkhovedskolen. He welcomed us and told us about the school and about the Danish education system. Afterwards, we visited the school and we met the teachers who were going to spend the week with us: Dorte, John, Lene and Lisa. We visited a STEAM class, we had lunch (at 11 o'clock!) and we visited the TekinLab class (9th grade). The first impression was very good! In the afternoon, we visited Nyborg.

Wednesday, 12th October

On Wednesday, we started the morning by visiting the 0 and 1st classes. Then we attended creative subjects in 3rd grade, we had lunch and we attended a two-hour class about Minecraft in 7th grade. In that class, we were given some time to present our school to that group, who were very interested in starting a new exchange with our students next year. After that, we had a meeting with the team of Danish teachers who are going to visit our school in Gurb next month. In the afternoon, we visited the town of Odense and we had dinner there with Mette Helding.

Thursday, 13th October

On Thursday, we attended a 7th grade class where they were doing Maths using the Thinking Classroom method. We loved it! After the class, we could ask questions and talk about that interesting method with Lene, the teacher who's promoting it in the school. Then we had lunch and we visited two after school programs: SFO and school chess. In the afternoon we attended a training course about eTwinning, where we were asked to share our experiences with eTwinning projects. As we always do, we offered ourselves for any eTwinning projects they would like to start with our school.

Friday, 14th October

On Friday, we had different meetings with Mette Helding, Lars Busk Svendsen and some of the teachers, with whom we could discuss more things about the Danish education system and their way of teaching. Finally, it was time to say goodbye. In the afternoon, before taking the plane back home, we still had time to visit the beautiful city of Copenhagen.