Institut el Vern

Our School

El Vern School is a compulsory secondary school located in the town of Lliçà de Vall.

The town of Lliçà de Vall has 6500 inhabitants and the socio-economic level of the town is medium-high. The town has two primary schools and our secondary school.

The school is 15 years old. At present there are 325 pupils from 12 to 16 years old in 3 classes per year. The school staff is made up of 32 teachers and 2 administrative staff.

The main challenge of our school is to accompany the pupils of Lliçà de Vall in the search for their life project, always striving for equality and educational inclusion, in this world we all add up. Technology helps in these two aspects, we all have the same right to information and we can always find a solution. We can always find a tool that helps me to overcome my personal challenges. We seek an experiential and meaningful learning: We learn by doing! as our school's educational project centre expresses.

Courses and level taught:

The school has about 325 pupils from 12 to 16 years old. They study the 4 courses of "ESO", the secondary and compulsory education in Catalonia. Every course has 3 classes.

Background and experience:

The school has been committed to digitalisation from the beginning, so that today all students work with their own laptop and in the Work Space for education. We also have a large amount of technological material: computers in all the classrooms, digital monitors, Arduino kits, Lego Mindstorm EV3 Robots, 3D printers and a good and permanent internet connection through permanent connection by an efficient wi-fi network.

The centre is also committed to project-based education that reinforces multilingual, technological and inclusive learning.

At present, the school is also working on 3 major projects, the multilingual AVANCEM, the STEAM methodology project and the ERASMUS internationalisation project, all three of which are interrelated.

Skills and knowledge:

All our teachers are used to working in a highly technological environment.

Digital competence is basic in all of them and a large number of activities with a high technological and digital content are always included. The teachers are also very used to project work, PBL. In addition, we can highlight a good level of knowledge of the English language.

STEAM at El Vern

Our school has made a firm commitment to the STEAM methodology for the programming of teaching at all levels of ESO and we believe that our participation in this project can give us a further boost towards the consolidation of this methodology in our school's project.

What we want to learn/achieve with this STEAMcat+ project?

We are committed to teacher training and sharing experiences with other teachers is always enriching. As our students, we learn by sharing and participating in all those educational events and activities that are part of our school project.

With this in mind, our participation in the STEAMcat 4.0 mini-consortium we are convinced that it can be enriching by providing a perspective of protagonism and empowerment to the and in particular to women scientists at our school by creating global learning networks, our students, our teachers and global, our students must be citizens of the world and for this reason they need their teachers to be able to be train internationally.

What can we offer as a STEAM school?

From the El Vern Institute we offer all our experience and our work developed with the STEAM methodology. The teachers of the departments involved have developed different activities over the last 3 years which have been tested in the classroom with the students and we have enough evidence to assess their suitability.

In this sense we show as an example some of them in case you want to know more about our work.

You can see at the following link.