School tour

The second day we visited different rooms in the school, where we could see finished MINT productions, activities or simply how each space is organized. Do you want to know what their playgrounds are like and what activities they promote during break time? Click below!

An interesting aspect was that kids could use the common areas to work. They could take a carpet to lay on the floor and read or to do written tasks.

In this school we observed that kids had a lot of autonomy. Students were allowed to eat whenever they want and to take toys and play in the middle of the class. They also had a plastic pillow to sit down and relax.

We could also observed a corner's maths session. Students were divided in groups and they hay to accomplish three tasks. The activities were related with famous buildings in Vienna. The first activity was to build a a building with small cubes using a photo as a model. The second task was to read and fill a worksheet about relevant information of remarkable Vienna buildings. Finally the third activity was to solve some maths problems.