Oishik Bandyopadhyay

Internship: Bain and Company

Undergrad: St. Xaviers, Calcutta

Workex: Policy Research at Derek O'Brien's Office (2 Years)

How was your overall experience with the firm?

The internship experience was simply great. Bain is known for its culture not only across the top consulting firms but across the corporate houses. The way the internship experience was organized, the way we were given a support system throughout our tenure, it felt like everything over there was tailored to fit in for the incoming interns.

How was the culture of the firm?

At any point of time, I never felt that I was alone. We could actually see why Bain's culture was so renowned everywhere. They focused a lot on our work life balance. This was not only there for interns but for everyone, be it the consultants or the partners. Everyone was very fun to work with. They used to encourage everyone to take time for their own self. They used to respect our time at work and even beyond work.

What were your top learnings from you internship stint?

a. Always speak out your mind. Share ideas wherever and whenever possible.

b. Give a good image of yourself, on work and off the work as well. Try to put your best foot forward, even when the work does not involve your team. Try to think what more you can do.

c. Be Humble. Be ready and open to advices. Constantly look out to keep learning.

If you think in retrospective what would you have done differently?

Maybe reaching out to your team, to other teams and building out a network better, especially when you are in an online setup. It can be just a simple thing like giving a movie suggestion, or asking and reaching out to other interns and teams and asking for and providing help whenever you want to.

What kind of project did you work on?

I worked with one of the largest IT services firm of the world and it was a talent/skill transformation case. I joined midway i.e. in the 9th month of the project. the main work involved making an HR/talent development system for the company. The case had a major impact on me, and I had a steep learning curve during my internship stint.