Textile Manufacturer

Case Statement:​

Your client is a textile manufacturer. Develop a growth strategy for him for the next couple of years

C: Given that we are looking at growth opportunities and the market has many competitors; can you now tell me about your current market standings?

I: Yes, the client lies 2nd in the Men’s Formals. 2nd in Women’s Formals and 6th in Men’s Casuals. Overall, we are they are the 4th biggest in India.

C: Understood. Can you now tell me about the supply chain the client currently functions in? 

I: Yes, the client produces the finished goods and then sells it via two ways. 1. Their own stores. 2. Via retail stores.

C: Can you give me an idea of the distribution of sales from the outlets?

I: Yes, so 70% of the client’s sales happen from their own stores. 30% of the sales happen from other retail stores.

C: Is there any differentiation at a product level between the store types?

I: Yes, the client only sells Men’s and Women’s formals through their stores. These products as well as men’s casuals are sold through retail stores as well.

C: Does the client only cater to a particular geography or do they sell pan India?

I: They operate pan India.

C: Understood. I would now like to formulate a strategy to grow the business. I would first focus on existing business. 

I: Sure, go ahead.

C: I would first want to focus on the prices. Are the client’s prices lower than the market?

I: No, the client’s prices are consistent with the market.

C: Okay. Now, I want to look at ways to increase the client’s customer base. For this, I will be looking at Promotions and Sales Avenues of their products as it will help me understand if they are currently missing out on a potential customer approachability option. 

I: Sure, go ahead.

C: To start with promotions, I would like to divide them into online and offline promotions. In terms of offline promotions, I want to understand if the client is using all available resources to reach our customers.

I: The client is completely covered in terms of offline promotions. However, they do not have any presence in the online area.

C: Got it. That is definitely one area the client should be looking at since the majority of the target customers are moving towards embracing e-commerce. Also, can I also gather from this that they do not sell their products online either?

I: No, currently they do not. 

C: Then that is also one avenue the client should look at. I would now want to look at the growth opportunities for the current products they have.

I: Yes, are there any areas of improvement there?

C: As I can currently see, they rank 6th in the Men’s Casuals which are not being sold by their own stores. However, apparels sold through their own store: Women’s and Men’s formals have a high market share. Can the client look at selling Men’s casuals through their stores as well?

I: Yes, they can look at that option as well.

C: Would you like for me to suggest new products and geographies as well for our business?

I: Yes, we should explore that option as well.

C: Okay, I will first look at the products. The client can introduce new products to the market. I wanted to understand is there any specific reason as to why don’t they product women’s casuals currently?

I: The client just ventured into the women’s apparel business a few years back. They can definitely look at this opportunity. 

C: Sure. Also, in terms of entering newer geographies, they can also look at exporting our finished goods internationally to increase revenue.

I: This sounds like a good approach to consider as well.

C: Would you like for me to do a feasibility analysis for the measures suggested above to find the best possible way?

I: Not required, we can close the case here. Thank you.

Background Information:

Growth: 2x in the next year

Current Products: Women’s Formals, Men’s formals, Men’s Casuals

Consumers: Age group of 20+

Competitors: Many competitors

Case recommendations:

The ranks given here can be used as well if we are lagging in our ranks in a particular product segment to boost our sales.