Shahrukh Khan’s Wealth Management

Case Statement:​

As a wealth manager, your aim is to increase Shahrukh Khan’s net worth. How will you go about doing it?

I: As a wealth manager, you are tasked with managing and increasing Shahrukh Khan’s net worth. 

C: Can you provide some details regarding his present net worth, and the required timelines for the same.

I:  Sure. His present net worth is over $600 million, and you are required to come up with a plan for the next 5 years.

C: Can you provide some inputs regarding his lifestyle and some of his preferences.

I:  Yes, he has an affinity towards luxury homes with a high involvement when it comes to colors and possible uses of the ceiling, and flooring. He also believes in taking care of himself and wants to reduce his involvement in long term projects, specifically movies.

C: Based on the information provided, I would like to breakdown the process into 3 stages. 

Immediate goals (Less than 1 year)

Short term goals (1-2 years)

Long term goals (3-5 years)

I: Sure. That sounds good, please go ahead

C: As a part of immediate goals which can be undertaken right away, the primary aim can be divided into existing portfolio management and lifestyle development. His present assets can be managed effectively with strategic investments in stocks, mutual funds, equities, cryptocurrencies coupled with investments in booming startups. In addition to this recreational homes can be bought and modified with references and props from his most famous movies to give customers a chance to walk in his footsteps as they get to be a part of it. To reduce his involvement in long term projects, venturing into music videos will allow for smaller commitment projects to be taken up as per his schedule.

In accordance with short terms goals, due to his high affinity towards specific interior decoration and development, he can coordinate with designers to create a business which will allow customers and fans to modify and develop their homes or offices with décor based on his likes and dislikes. This will allow customers to create and enjoy homes with references based on his personal homes.

As a part of long terms goals, due to his inclination towards personal development, he can start his own or partner up with companies to develop products like face cream, face wash etc, which can then be sold under his own brand. This will serve as a source of steady revenue post his retirement as well.

I:  The points put across are excellent. We can end the case here.

Background Information:

Situation: Increase Shahrukh Khan’s net worth

Structure used: Through investments and specific product development

Timeline: Over the next 5 years

Case recommendations:

Analyze the individual to see what all activities can be associated with them.

Segregate their interests into what can and can’t be used

Strategize and capitalize on what relates with the public as well to arrive at a plan