School in Delhi

Case Statement:​

Your client is the principal of a Delhi based school. Recently she has been facing decline in performance of the students. Find reasons and give recommendations

C: I understand there has been a decline in performance, but what performance are we referring to. Is it academic performance or performance at inter-school competitions or financial performance?

I: The academic performance, the average score of students from grade 6th to 12th has declined.

C: Has it declined across all classes and sections?

I: It has declined only for 6th to 12th grades.

C: I’ll take some time to come up an approach. A people, process and system approach were taken here.

(Refer to the diagram. Each header was explored, and the problem was that there was a construction site nearby which made it difficult for students to hear what the teacher was saying).

I understand that only 6th-12th grade students are affected by it. Will it be fair to say that the other side of the school that houses rest of the classes is not affected by this sound?

I: Yes, the structure of the school and location of construction site is such that only one side is affected. Could you give recommendations now?

C: The suggestions are as follows.

(Refer the structure)

In the short run, the principal can introduce different timings for 6th-12th grades so that they take classes in the half where 1st – 6th grade classes are conducted.

In medium-long period, principal can introduce some changes in infrastructure, have discussions with the construction management or even the government.

Background Information:

Client: Only one school in Delhi. Caters to mid-range segment offering value in terms of cost and infrastructure.

Competitor: No major change. Specific to our client 

Consumer: Students from 1st to 12th grade 

Time Frame: 6 months 

Case recommendations:

The key here was to add a structure at every stage. Giving suggestions in a structured way also helped.