Reaching Office Late

Case Statement:​

An employee of the client is consistently reaching the office late by 5 mins. The client wants you to analyze the cause for it

C: To begin with, I would like to get a better understanding of the problem at hand and have a few questions which can help me out in the same.

I: Sure, go ahead!

C: Where is the office located? Also, has there been a change in office timings &  what are the problems this 5-min delay is causing to the organization ?

I: The office is in Delhi and no there has been no change in office timings. The team that the employee works on has a client call at 9:15 am.  Since he is late, the preparation of the call get hampered.

C: Are we seeing this trend with only a single employee?

I: Yes

C: Also, have seen a change in the behavior of the employee lately?

I: No, we haven’t.

C: Okay, to begin with understanding what might be the reason for the delay, I would like to break down the travel of the employee into 3 parts. The first part will be pre-office travel. The second will be Office travel and the third one will be post-office travel.

I: The approach seems interesting. Can you elaborate on each of the parts?

C: Sure. In the first part, I would look for any changes in the routine between waking up and starting the commute to the office. Similarly in the second part, I would check for any difference in the commute routine and finally, from the end of the commute to his office desk.

I: Sounds right, go ahead.

C: In the first part, has there been a change in the time the employee wakes up?

I: No.

C: Is he leaving his house at the same time as he was when he was punctual ?

I: Yes.

C: Okay, based on that information we can rule out the pre-office travel part. Moving to office travel  (i.e) the second stage. What mode of a commute does the employee use, and has there been any change in it?

I: Well, he drives his own car and there has been no change in the mode he commutes.

C: The time taken to travel office is basically distance divided by the average speed. Factors like changes in routes, obstructions/road quality can alter the time taken. Have we observed any such digression from the routine route?

I: Your factors are quite precise and comprehensive. Unfortunately, there has been no change in either the speed or the distance travelled. You can proceed to the third stage.

C: Yes, sure; To analyze the final leg of his travel, I would break it down into; Office premise entry, parking & travel to his desk. Have we seen a change in pattern in any of the three-part mentioned??

I: One change in this leg of travel we have noticed is that due to fitness reasons he prefers to take the stairs and not the elevator. 

C: I think that should be the reason for his delay.

I: Yes correct. We can close the case now. You put forth crisp and clear points. It was great talking to you !

Case tips:

The case here is an open-ended case. Generally, in such cases, rather than just listing the possible causes, bucketing the factors under a title helps in giving the structure. If the structure is nailed, the major part of your case is done. The questions which are to be asked can be questions that draw parallel with industry-wide dynamics v/s the company in focus