Financial Inclusion

Case Statement:​

You'll be addressing a real-world challenge faced by the Odisha Government. They want to enhance people's accessibility to banking functions for financial inclusion. How would you suggest achieving this?

C: To begin, I would like to clarify a few details. Could you please provide more context about the current situation and any specific goals the Odisha Government has in mind regarding financial inclusion?

I: Certainly. The Odisha Government aims to ensure that more people have access to basic banking functions such as deposits, transfers, and withdrawals. They are open to various strategies. Feel free to explore different options.

C: Thank you for the context. I would like to start with a few questions to understand the current scenario. What is the current level of banking accessibility in Odisha? Are there specific areas with low access?

I: How would you determine the banking accessibility in the state?

C: To understand the current level of banking accessibility, I would inquire about the number of bank branches and ATMs across different regions of Odisha. I'd also ask for data on the percentage of the population with active bank accounts. To identify areas with low access, I'd seek information on the presence of banking facilities in rural and remote locations, as well as any data indicating underutilized bank branches or ATMs.

I: These data points are good enough to understand banking accessibility. It’s below the national average right now with a significant gap.

C: What demographic groups are currently underserved in terms of banking services?

I: Before that, tell me how exactly would you assess that?

C: To determine the underserved demographic groups, I would request data on the age, gender, income levels, and occupation of individuals with limited access to banking services.

I'd also inquire about any specific groups, such as women, farmers, or small business owners, who might face challenges in accessing banking services. This data would help identify segments that require focused attention.

I: You are right in your approach. People who belong to rural areas, women & small business owners are the major underserved demographic groups. What do you think are the main barriers preventing these people from using traditional banking services like others?

C: Few barriers could be geographical Distance, lack of Financial Literacy, documentation Requirements, complex Procedures, Limited Banking Hours, Trust Issues

I: Great, now can you help me to identify the solutions?

C: To address this challenge, I can see a few potential solutions:

1. Establishing Mini Banks in Villages: Setting up small bank branches or kiosks in villages could provide direct access to banking services for rural communities.

2. Shuttle Service to Banks: Implementing a shuttle service once a week to transport villagers to nearby bank branches could facilitate their access to banking services.

3. Home Delivery of Banking Services: Introducing a system where banking services are delivered to people's homes could be a convenient way to reach those who can't travel easily.

4. Promoting Internet Banking: Since you mentioned there are no constraints, promoting and educating people about Internet banking could be a way to provide access to banking functions via digital platforms.

I: Your suggestions cover a wide range of options, which is great. What do you think the potential challenges are with promoting Internet banking?

C: Ok. While promoting internet banking as a viable option, there are several challenges that need consideration:

1. Smartphone Availability: Many individuals might not own smartphones, limiting their ability to use internet banking platforms.

2.  Internet Penetration: The availability and quality of internet connectivity in rural areas might be limited, affecting the feasibility of using online banking services

I: Awesome. We can close the case now.

Case tips:

Remember that problem would have no set framework and problem identification is key along with effective communication

If possible, try to refer to government schemes and your understanding of  governance at multiple junctures in the interview

Feel free to ask the interviewer for clarifications and align with them on critical parts after providing your understanding

Creation of a plan and showing a long-term vision would seek brownie points